Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in, Monze and Pemba Districts
The project goal is to have operational climate change adaptation and mitigation measures in Gwembe, Monze, and Pemba Districts. Chikuni Parish Taonga Agroforestry is obliged to support the community to adapt measures to mitigate the effects of climate change. The project will address the following challenges ;
cutting down of trees for charcoal burning and land clearing for agriculture activities, discourage bush burning, discourage land cultivation near rivers and wetlands, drought preparedness to reduce food insecurity, promote smart and sustainable agricultural practices and encourage communities to secure good grazing areas for the animals.
cutting down of trees for charcoal burning and land clearing for agriculture activities, discourage bush burning, discourage land cultivation near rivers and wetlands, drought preparedness to reduce food insecurity, promote smart and sustainable agricultural practices and encourage communities to secure good grazing areas for the animals.
Project Snapshot
Society of Jesus - Chikuni Parish Taonga Agroforestry
Area Of Work:
Community Based Adaptation
Grant Amount:
US$ 40,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 40,000.00
Project Number:
Not active yet
SGP Country office contact
Ms Marisa Mushota
United Nations House, Alick Nkata Road, P.O Box 31966
Lusaka, Africa, 10101
Lusaka, Africa, 10101
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