Ngatshang Integrated Land Management Project implemented by the Ngatshang Community Primary School (NCS) in Mongar Dzongkhag.
This project aimed to conserve three water catchment areas i.e., Pokcheri, Yadaza and Chopazor along with its endemic flora. The projectl also used inter-educative methods like art and drama involving school children to create public awareness on GEF/SGP focal areas. The project also aimed to rehabilitate and protect the land from degradation especially during the monsoon season.
To accomplish the above objectives, the following activities have been carried out as:
1. collection of seedlings of indigenous species;
2. planting of trees around the water catchment areas;
3. fencing around the water catchment areas;
4. drafting water catchment management plans;
5. implementation of water catchment management plan;
6. creating Agro-Forestry;
7. Landslide rehabilitation and protection;
8. Environmental Education Workshop.
As a biodiversity demonstration project, the objectives were well achieved by the community school. The school area became rich with greenery around them. There is a botabical garden in the school. They started with vegetable garden for the school kitchen. The three water catchment areas were fenced and protected. Plantations around the catchment area was done and Ngatshang Community School started getting adequate drinking water.
To accomplish the above objectives, the following activities have been carried out as:
1. collection of seedlings of indigenous species;
2. planting of trees around the water catchment areas;
3. fencing around the water catchment areas;
4. drafting water catchment management plans;
5. implementation of water catchment management plan;
6. creating Agro-Forestry;
7. Landslide rehabilitation and protection;
8. Environmental Education Workshop.
As a biodiversity demonstration project, the objectives were well achieved by the community school. The school area became rich with greenery around them. There is a botabical garden in the school. They started with vegetable garden for the school kitchen. The three water catchment areas were fenced and protected. Plantations around the catchment area was done and Ngatshang Community School started getting adequate drinking water.
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Project Snapshot
Ngatshang Community School
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 10,062.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 3,023.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Promoting Public Awareness of Global Environment
Public awareness of Global Environment will be promoted through art competition/exhibition and drama competition, themes based on GEF/SGP focal areas. To gain visibility and enhance effectiveness the event is proposed to coincide with His Majesty the King's Birthday, on 11 November.
Notable Community Participation
The Ngatshang Community Schoo,l receipient of the grant, aims at strengthening relationship between people and the environment by promoting people's participation in protection of the three water catchemnt areas along with its flora and raising awareness through environemntal education, art and drama competition on GEF/SGP focal areas.
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SGP Country office contact
Ugyen Lhendup
UN House, Peling Lam (Street), Kawajangsa, Thimphu, P.O. Box No. 162
Thimphu, Bhutan, 11001
Thimphu, Bhutan, 11001
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