Promoting warmwater fish farming to sustain traditional Nya-dosem practices in Rukha, Wangdue Phodrang
Promoting warmwater fish farming to sustain traditional Nya-dosem practices in Rukha, Wangdue Phodrang
Athang is one of the remotest and most isolated Gewog in Wangdue Phodrang with challenging terrain, marked by poor communication and limited accessibility. Spanning 746 sq kms, the Gewog has five chiwogs, 26 villages, and 198 households with a human population of 793 people. The area is renowned for its unique product, Nya Dosem, a specially prepared smoked fish crafted using traditional methods. Historically reliant on fishing in the Hara Chhu River for both sustenance and income, the community faced challenges from illegal fishing practices. In response, the Harachhu Capture Fishery Management Group (HCFMG) was formed in 2010.

The pressing need for intervention is emphasized by substantial fluctuations in fish production for both capture and warm water fisheries from 19.51 MT to a mere 0.17 MT between the years 2009 and 2022. Various factors, including environmental changes and inadequate resource management, contribute to this concerning trend. Initiating warm water fish enterprises at Rukha in Athang aligns with the Ministry's (MoAL) goal of achieving food self-sufficiency, supporting the country?s objectives of import substitution, protein enhancement, and economic development. By reducing reliance on fish imports, the project not only addresses the supply-demand gap for animal protein but also generates economic opportunities, jobs, and improves the nutritional balance in the Bhutanese diet.

Project objective:
? Enhance the supply of fresh fish round the year and improve nutritional security;
? To provide employment opportunities for youth in the local communities;
? Generate revenue for the livelihood of the household;
? Reduce reliance on capture fisheries to safeguard against the risk of local fish extinction.
? Preserve the indigenous practice of making Nya-Doseam.

Key expected results:
? Specific: Achieve an annual production of approximately 9.5 MT of fresh table fish from 10 ponds (comprising 9 newly constructed ponds and 1 existing pond) for domestic consumption.
? Measurable: The projected annual revenue from the sale of fresh table fish is estimated to be BTN 2,850,000.00 (BTN 2.85 million), allowing the project to recoup its costs within a two-year time frame based on the anticipated revenue generation.

? Achievable: Create employment opportunities for 10 unemployed youths (8 female, 2 male) within the 8 benefiting households.
? Relevant: Enhance knowledge, skills, and motivation among fish farmers and entrepreneurs through the establishment of this technically viable fish farm.
? Time-bound: Reduce reliance on capture fisheries thereby mitigating the risk of local fish species extinction.

Project Snapshot

Harachu Capture Fishery Management Group
Area Of Work:
Community Based Adaptation
Grant Amount:
US$ 42,550.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 35,117.37
Co-Financing in-Kind:
Project Number:
BHU/CBA 3/2024/01
Currently under execution

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SGP Country office contact

Ugyen Lhendup


UN House, Peling Lam (Street), Kawajangsa, Thimphu, P.O. Box No. 162
Thimphu, Bhutan, 11001