Empowering youths through sustainable mushroom cultivation using innovative substrates in Bumthang.
Empowering youths through sustainable mushroom cultivation using innovative substrates in Bumthang.
The proposed project in the Bumthang District prioritizes livelihood improvement, women's empowerment, and environmental sustainability. Driven by the objective of enhancing local livelihoods and addressing gender disparities, the project focuses on utilizing wood waste sawdust and agricultural waste for group-based mushroom cultivation, reducing the reliance on log cutting from forests and reusing agricultural waste. This innovative approach not only fosters economic opportunities for the community but also empowers women through their active involvement in sustainable agriculture.

The primary goal is the establishment of a Mushroom Incubation Center, where the group produces mushrooms from sawdust. This endeavor aims to streamline the cultivation process, making high-end mushroom farming accessible to local farmers, particularly women, without requiring specialized expertise in incubation. By empowering the group to produce ready-to-fruit mushrooms from sawdust, the project seeks to enhance the livelihoods of women and farmers in the Bumthang District through sustainable and gender-inclusive mushroom cultivation.

This initiative aligns with sustainable development goals by prioritizing women's empowerment, promoting environmentally friendly practices, and contributing to the overall well-being of the community. The targeted site for implementation is the Bumthang District, where the project envisions fostering a collaborative community effort towards sustainable and profitable mushroom farming. Through this, the project aspires to create a positive impact on both the livelihoods of local women and residents and the ecological balance of the environment.

Project Objective: To promote sustainable mushroom cultivation using wood sawdust and cereal straws by empowering youths in the Bumthang District and increase their income through mushroom farming without the need for expertise in incubation.

Component/Output 1: Establishment of climate resilient mushroom incubation centre in Bumthang
Component/Output 2: Production and distribution of ready-to-fruit mushroom blocks
Component/Output 3: Capacity building of the youth group for sustenance
Component/Output 4: Monitoring and Evaluation, and knowledge management


Project Snapshot

Bumthang Dheazhi Nazhoen Detshen
Area Of Work:
Community Based Adaptation
Grant Amount:
US$ 20,100.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 17,682.92
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 2,439.02
Project Number:
BHU/CBA 3/2024/02
Currently under execution

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SGP Country office contact

Ugyen Lhendup


UN House, Peling Lam (Street), Kawajangsa, Thimphu, P.O. Box No. 162
Thimphu, Bhutan, 11001