Instituting sustainable water harvesting practices at Guengaling, Norgaygang Gewog.
Instituting sustainable water harvesting practices at Guengaling, Norgaygang Gewog.
The project will be implemented in Guengaling, a village in Norgaygang Gewog of Samtse Dzongkhag. The proposed project will directly benefit 52 households of the village, comprising 292 individuals (133 males, 159 females) including 45 school going children and 16 persons with at least one form of disability. The households are engaged in agriculture, primarily subsistence vegetable farming, and cash crop cultivation (cardamom).
The objective of the project is to sustainably harvest the natural resources, especially, the freshwaters of Kalikhola and Sukmaney water sources for household consumption, improved agricultural purposes, improved health, sanitation and hygiene. The objective will directly contribute to SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation) and indirectly to SDG 13 (Climate Action). With support from the Local Government, the objective will be achieved by mobilizing the Guengaling Community, and the establishment of the Guengaling Water Users Group. A simple, yet comprehensive water resource management plan will be developed enabling the sustainable harvesting of fresh waters of Kalikhola and Sukmaney. Key community-based adaptation activities, among others, include (i) planting of locally available species of plants in eroded and scanty areas enabling absorption and recharge of water sources including avoidance of soil erosion, (ii) fencing of the catchment area preventing cattle from grazing and defecating there and also preventing the community from harvesting fodder and trees, (iii) building of climate-resilient infrastructure, such as, ferro-cement reservoir (FCR) water tanks to tap water and (iv) laying of pipes to connect houses for assured supply of clean water for drinking, sanitation and hygiene.

Besides, the project will positively influence maintenance of the biodiversity and address the challenges faced by the Guengaling Community in combating poverty and outmigration, especially impacting women and vulnerable groups.

The primary objective of the project is to sustainably harvest the natural resources, especially, the freshwaters of Kalikhola and Sukmaney water sources for household consumption, improved agricultural purposes, improved health, sanitation and hygiene.

Project Snapshot

Guengaling Water User Group
Area Of Work:
Community Based Adaptation
Grant Amount:
US$ 16,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 1,341.46
Project Number:
BHU/CBA 3/2024/03
Currently under execution

SGP Country office contact

Ugyen Lhendup


UN House, Peling Lam (Street), Kawajangsa, Thimphu, P.O. Box No. 162
Thimphu, Bhutan, 11001