Conflict to Co-existence: Highlanders living in harmony with bears amidst changing climate and animal behaviour in Choekhor.
Conflict to Co-existence: Highlanders living in harmony with bears amidst changing climate and animal behaviour in Choekhor.
The project " Conflict to Co-existence: Highlanders living in harmony with bears amidst changing climate and animal behavior in Dur Drok & Tendrok under Choekhor Block Bumthang District " aims to address the issue of herders-bears conflict and the damage caused by Himalayan bears to the seasonal food stores in their base camp. Climate change impacting Himalayan bears' food availability is indeed a concerning issue and this has given rise to increasing conflict with the herders. This is primarily due to disruption in fragile highland ecosystems resulting in alteration of distribution and availability of resources, affecting wildlife and the herders. The herders while in an attempt to secure their food stocks, damage highland vegetation cover that further undermined existing issues of conflict. This project aims to implement sustainable development initiatives in the community of Dur Drok and Ten Drok highland under Choekhor Gewog, Bumthang District. The rationale behind this project is to address the pressing environmental challenges faced by the community, such as human-wildlife, food scarcity, and livelihood of the people living with Yak and sanitary issues associated with the women in Dur Drok and Tendrok.
The project will directly benefit 21 herders of Dur Drok & Tendrok in terms of securing their food supplies by implementing innovative ways of securing their food stocks. Besides, the project is also expected to address sanitary issues facing our highlanders in terms of accessibility to potable drinking water and other sanitary use which will have positive bearings on the community comprised mainly women and children.heir Key expected results include the establishment of community-led programs, by actively involving the local community and fostering partnerships with relevant stakeholders, the project seeks to create a resilient and environmentally conscious communities in Dur Drok & Tendrok.
About Project Site
The highlanders community is are located from the altitude range from 2725-2810 meters height from sea level with the population of 252 spread across three cluster of Dur Drok, Tendrok & Khangdrok under Choekhor Gewog. Livelihood of herders in these clusters mainly depend on raring yaks and keep shifting their herds within their registered grass land known as Tasmdrok. All three clusters were under the conservation area named Wangchuk Centennial Park (largest conservation area in Bhutan). The challenges of herd depredation and attacks on the stored supplies at Khangdrok cluster were minimal in comparison to multiple incidences reported to the Gewog in the past five years. The project therefore, will be limited to Dur Drok and Tendrok highland precisely due to following considerations.
1. In Dur Drok and Tendrok highland cluster, there are more women & youth (83) than the men who are herders.
2. Proximity of Dur Drok and Tendrok clusters will not only ease practical difficulties during the project implementation, but also minimize project cost as these clusters lie on the same range land.
3. Resources sharing opportunities such as man power including sharing project know-how will be easier in the said clusters.
This attribute therefore guarantees achieving the intended goals of the project
The scarcity of food for Himalayan bears could be attributed to changes in vegetation patterns, such as shifts in flowering and fruiting seasons or alterations in the abundance of their preferred food sources. This can have negative consequences for the bears' survival, reproductive success and impact to the humans. This can result in increased competition for resources and potential conflicts with local communities. Addressing these challenges requires comprehensive conservation efforts, including habitat protection, restoration of degraded ecosystems, and sustainable land-use practices. It is crucial to engage local communities and policymakers to develop effective strategies for mitigating the impacts of climate change on wildlife and ensuring their long-term survival.
The purpose of this project is to protect the livelihoods of highlanders by implementing measures to mitigate human-wildlife conflict and find sustainable solutions to prevent bear damage. By doing so, the project seeks to ensure a harmonious coexistence between humans and wildlife in the region.
The core activities of the project include conducting research on human-wildlife conflict in the area, assessing the extent of bear damage to food stores, implementing preventive measures such as installing bear-proof storage systems, providing training and support to highlanders on bear-safe practices, and raising awareness about the importance of conservation and coexistence.
Expected Outcomes:
1. Reduced damage to food stores caused by Himalayan bears, leading to improved food security for nomadic yak herders.
2. Enhanced capacity of local communities to mitigate bear-human conflicts and adopt sustainable coexistence practices.
3. Increased awareness and understanding of wildlife conservation among highlanders, fostering a sense of stewardship towards the Himalayan bear population.
Project objective:
The primary objective of this proposal is to develop and implement sustainable measures that reduce bear-induced destruction of food stores in the highland regions of Dur Drok & Ten Drok. By doing so, we aim to safeguard the food security and well-being of the local highlanders while promoting coexistence between humans and wildlife.
Through these activities, the project aims to reduce the frequency and severity of bear damage to food stores, thereby safeguarding the livelihoods of highlanders who heavily rely on their food stores for sustenance.
Additionally, the project seeks to promote a greater understanding and appreciation for the unique biodiversity of the region and the need for conservation efforts.
By addressing the human-wildlife conflict and mitigating bear damage, this project strives to create a sustainable and harmonious environment where both humans and wildlife can thrive without causing harm to each other.
Livelihood Diversification:
? Support highlanders in diversifying their livelihoods to reduce dependence on agriculture and livestock farming alone.
? Provide training and resources for alternative income-generating activities such as ecotourism, handicraft production, or small-scale enterprises.
? Facilitate access to markets and promote sustainable economic development in the region.

Expected Outcomes:

1. Reduced human-bear conflicts and mitigated damage to food stores and grazing areas.
2. Increased awareness and capacity of highlander communities in addressing human-wildlife conflict.
3. Enhanced collaboration and cooperation among local stakeholders and communities.
4. Diversified livelihood options for highlander communities, leading to reduced vulnerability to bear damage.

Targeted sites:
The following meadows are located on the water shed of the Chamkhar,Dhur and Mangdichu River, which meanders gently through the vast meadows of wild flowers and through the lush hills that holds blue pines, Junipers, hemlock forests and birch. It is silent and peaceful here, except for the buzzes of chamkhar chu and the singing of the birds and nomads. The time seems to stand still in this remote place Dur Drok & Ten Drok Meadows; Nomadic Journeys spent this wilderness with their temporary sheds and semi-permanent food Store. They have traditional fire stoves, halve room wooden floors and are beautifully decorated in traditional nomadic style with hut filed with smoke. They don?t have facility like attached sanitary toilet, Piped water supply and other necessities like smokeless heating systems.

Project Snapshot

Bumthang Chhoekhor Lanor Nyamley Tshogdey
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 35,500.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 5,609.75
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 8,536.58
Project Number:
BHU/CBA 3/2024/04
Currently under execution

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SGP Country office contact

Ugyen Lhendup


UN House, Peling Lam (Street), Kawajangsa, Thimphu, P.O. Box No. 162
Thimphu, Bhutan, 11001