Climate smart sustainable livestock and agricultural development for improved rural livelihood in Khar
Climate smart sustainable livestock and agricultural development for improved rural livelihood in Khar
The Phadi Sezor Community Project aims to enhance the sustainability of agricultural and livestock practices in the Phadi and Sezor communities by implementing a multifaceted approach. Focused on climate resilience, the aims is to establish modern, climate-resilient dairy sheds, promoting stall feeding to eliminate forest grazing. Additionally, the construction of biogas facilities is intended to reduce dependence on firewood from the forest, with the bio- slurry generated supporting organic farming practices. Terracing of farmland is a key component to improve food production and enhance food security. Furthermore, the project includes the establishment of fodder plantations to alleviate pressure on the forest and promote sustainable land management. The target communities of Phadi and Sezor will benefit from these initiatives, contributing to environmental conservation, increased agricultural productivity, and the overall well-being of the community members.
Project Objective
1. Primary objective
i. Enhance the food security and self ?reliance at the local level
ii. Reduce Poverty and improve sustainable livelihood in the community
iii. Enhance and replenish local environment condition through sustainable land utilization and management

2. Specific objectives
iv. Increase milk production through environment friendly modern dairy farming intervention for income generation and better rural livelihood
v. Promote and develop the fodder enrichment enhancing stall feeding management practices
vi. Adapt and adopt the renewable energy at household level reducing the firewood consumption in the locality
vii. Land management and development.

The project at Phadi Sezor will addresses several challenges related to global environmental and development issues. By establishing climate-resilient dairy sheds and promoting stall feeding, the aims is to mitigate the environmental impact of forest grazing, which contributes to deforestation and biodiversity loss. The construction of biogas facilities not only reduces the dependency on firewood, addressing issues of deforestation and air pollution, but also utilizes bio-slurry to promote organic farming, aligning with sustainable agriculture practices. Terracing of farmland contributes to better land management, reducing soil erosion, and enhancing food production, thereby addressing global concerns related to food security. Fodder plantation further eases pressure on the forest and aligns with sustainable land management practices.

Project Snapshot

Phadi-Sezor Community Group
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 32,350.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 5,548.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 3,109.76
Project Number:
BHU/CBA 3/2024/05
Currently under execution

SGP Country office contact

Ugyen Lhendup


UN House, Peling Lam (Street), Kawajangsa, Thimphu, P.O. Box No. 162
Thimphu, Bhutan, 11001