Raising coffee nursery for climate resilient coffee plantation in Zhemgang.
Raising coffee nursery for climate resilient coffee plantation in Zhemgang.
Raise huge quantity of coffee seedlings for distribution across Zhemgang through engagement of youths and women and improve their livelihoods.

PYC Coffee Nursery Production is an ambitious venture aimed at establishing a state-of-the-art coffee nursery production that combines sustainable practices with cutting-edge technology. Located in Andala, Panbang; Zhemgang, our project aspires to become a leading producer of high-quality Arabica and Robusta coffee saplings in our country to fulfill the dare need of the coffee saplings in Zhemgang Dzongkhag and beyond.
Objectives/key expected results: Strive for excellence in coffee nursery cultivation to produce premium Arabica and Robusta saplings. Implement best practices in farming, harvesting, and processing to ensure exceptional taste and aroma. Embrace environmentally friendly farming methods, including organic practices and responsible water usage. Foster biodiversity and soil health for a sustainable, long-term impact on the ecosystem. Incorporate cutting-edge technology in crop monitoring, irrigation, and processing for efficiency and yield optimization. Explore data-driven approaches to enhance decision-making and predict crop performance.
Community Involvement: Collaborate with local communities to create job opportunities and contribute to economic development. Establish educational programs to empower farmers with the latest agricultural knowledge and techniques.
Market Potential/target site: The target site includes eight gewogs of Zhemgang Dzongkhag. With the global demand for high-quality coffee on the rise, Coffee production is poised to capture a significant share of the market moreover it will be a very big project in our Dzongkhag, Zhemgang. Our dedication to excellence and sustainability aligns with the preferences of discerning consumers, creating a unique selling point in the industry and also be prepared for upcoming Mindfulness City in Gelephu which shares same border.
Coffee is not just a coffee plantation; it's a commitment to excellence, sustainability, and community development. By blending tradition with innovation, we aim to leave a lasting positive impact on the coffee industry and the regions we operate in.
Sustainable coffee production contributes to climate resilience and supports broader efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It also involves practices that preserve natural habitats, contributing to global biodiversity conservation efforts. Sustainable water management practices in coffee production align with broader efforts to ensure responsible water use and protect water resources. Ensuring economic sustainability in coffee production is part of broader efforts to create resilient and equitable economic systems, especially in agricultural sectors worldwide and it will also create lots of job opportunities.

The coffee plantation project can contribute significantly to the SGP. Here's how the coffee nursery plantation can relate to and contribute to the SGP Country Programme Strategy:
Biodiversity Conservation: Coffee plantations can implement agroforestry practices, preserving natural habitats and fostering biodiversity which fulfills the SGP's focus on biodiversity conservation by creating a sustainable ecosystem within the plantation, supporting the protection of local flora and fauna.
Sustainable Agriculture: Embracing organic farming methods and sustainable agricultural practices in coffee cultivation which aligns with the SGP's goal of promoting sustainable agriculture, reducing the environmental impact of farming activities, and ensuring the long-term health of the agricultural ecosystem.
Partnerships and Collaboration: Seeking collaborations with local communities, government programs, and private sector entities contributes to the SGP's emphasis on partnerships and collaborations, fostering a multi-stakeholder approach to sustainable development.

Here's how the coffee nursery plantation project can relate to and collaborate with different stakeholders:
Government: By aligning the project's goals with government priorities, the coffee plantation project can receive support, resources, and recognition, fostering a cooperative relationship.
Community and NGOs: Partner with NGOs for community training programs on sustainable farming practices, environmental conservation, and entrepreneurship. Engaging with local NGOs enhances the project's social impact and promotes community-driven development.
Private Sector: Collaborate with private sector entities and apply for grants supporting sustainable agriculture, environmental conservation, and community development. Establishing partnerships with the private sector can provide market access, create economic opportunities, and promote sustainable practices along the entire value chain.


Project Snapshot

Panbang Youth Cooperative
Area Of Work:
Community Based Adaptation
Grant Amount:
US$ 36,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 15,609.76
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 11,585.36
Project Number:
BHU/CBA 3/2022/06
Currently under execution

SGP Country office contact

Ugyen Lhendup


UN House, Peling Lam (Street), Kawajangsa, Thimphu, P.O. Box No. 162
Thimphu, Bhutan, 11001