Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Land Management in the Weto landscape: The Small-holder farmer Engagement Approach and Multi-Actor buy-in.
3. Project Objectives, Results/Outputs, and Activities
3.1 .1 To help conserve the core zones on the Weto Range in the Kpale-Etordome section for animal life for ecotourism
3.1.2 To assist farmers estimated at 150 to establish small-holder mixed plantations up to about 70 hectares
3.1.3 To establish a livestock?s centre for income generation to support biodiversity conservation activities and social services.
3.1.4 To establish beekeeping as a conservation tool and income generation to support biodiversity conservation.
Project results:
3.2 .1 Two hundred (200ha) of the core zone of the Etordome-Kpale section of Weto range conserved for the return of wildlife.
3.2.2. One hundred and fifty farmers assisted to establish mix plantation and practice trees on farm concept.
3.2.3. One livestock centre established with five animals.
3.2.4. One bee apiary established with fifty beehives (bee colonies)
Project Outputs and Activities:
Output 1: Conserve 200ha of core zone of the Etordome-Kpale section of the Weto landscape
Activity 1. Use CREMA principles to construct buffer between the community economic zone and the core zone.
Activity 2. Undertake enrichment planting of degraded areas.
Activity 3. Form community protection team (forest guard and fire volunteer group of 10 members).
Output 2: 150 farmers assisted to establish smallholder mixed stand forest plantation up 70ha.
Activity 1. 30,000-capacity seedlings nursery
Activity 2. Identify individual farms, provide extension service and distribute seedlings Appropriate.
Output 3: Establish one livestock Centre to generate income to support village savings scheme and biodiversity management.
Activity 1. Construction of pig style (Animal house)
Activity 2. Purchase of 5-parent stock
Activity 3. Train 2 persons to operate the livestock Centre (on the farm training.)
Activity 4. Establish an apiary to generate income for village savings scheme to support Biodiversity conservation.
3.3.4. Establish biodiversity management board.
3.1 .1 To help conserve the core zones on the Weto Range in the Kpale-Etordome section for animal life for ecotourism
3.1.2 To assist farmers estimated at 150 to establish small-holder mixed plantations up to about 70 hectares
3.1.3 To establish a livestock?s centre for income generation to support biodiversity conservation activities and social services.
3.1.4 To establish beekeeping as a conservation tool and income generation to support biodiversity conservation.
Project results:
3.2 .1 Two hundred (200ha) of the core zone of the Etordome-Kpale section of Weto range conserved for the return of wildlife.
3.2.2. One hundred and fifty farmers assisted to establish mix plantation and practice trees on farm concept.
3.2.3. One livestock centre established with five animals.
3.2.4. One bee apiary established with fifty beehives (bee colonies)
Project Outputs and Activities:
Output 1: Conserve 200ha of core zone of the Etordome-Kpale section of the Weto landscape
Activity 1. Use CREMA principles to construct buffer between the community economic zone and the core zone.
Activity 2. Undertake enrichment planting of degraded areas.
Activity 3. Form community protection team (forest guard and fire volunteer group of 10 members).
Output 2: 150 farmers assisted to establish smallholder mixed stand forest plantation up 70ha.
Activity 1. 30,000-capacity seedlings nursery
Activity 2. Identify individual farms, provide extension service and distribute seedlings Appropriate.
Output 3: Establish one livestock Centre to generate income to support village savings scheme and biodiversity management.
Activity 1. Construction of pig style (Animal house)
Activity 2. Purchase of 5-parent stock
Activity 3. Train 2 persons to operate the livestock Centre (on the farm training.)
Activity 4. Establish an apiary to generate income for village savings scheme to support Biodiversity conservation.
3.3.4. Establish biodiversity management board.
Project Snapshot
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 25,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 8,000.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 12,000.00
Project Number:
Currently under execution
Number of globally significant species protected by project
Hectares of globally significant biodiversity area protected or sustainably managed by project
Number of innovations or new technologies developed/applied
Increase in household income by increased income or reduced costs due to SGP project
Partnership |
SGP Country office contact
Dr. George Buabin Ortsin
Ms. Lois Sarpong
+233 505740909
UNDP, Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme P.O. Box 1423
Accra, Greater Accra, 233-302
Accra, Greater Accra, 233-302
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