Soil and Water Conservation in the upper Bodri Watershed through the implementation of community-based social entrepreneurship in Canggal village, Temanggung.
General Objective: The upstream area of the Bodri Watershed is conserved and the community gets environmental, economic and socio-cultural benefits from the conservation of the Bodri Watershed
Specific Objective 1 Manage and maintain the water source area at Curug Slawe (Upstream of the Bodri Watershed)
Indicator 1. There is a spring catcher (PMA) at each spring
2. There is a water storage tank
3. Establishment of a water distribution system that is managed collectively and can meet the needs of residents
4. There are village regulations regarding guarding the upstream water sources of the Bodri Watershed
Activities 1. Socialization with the village government, forestry and the community of Canggal Village
2. Formation of working groups
3. Research and identify spring sources
4. Participatory design (concept, infrastructure, human resources, systems)
5. Construction of spring catchers, water storage tanks and piping installations
6. Drafting and establishing village regulations related to water protection and management
7. Socialization of village regulations related to water protection and management
8. Monitoring and evaluation with the village government, forestry and the Canggal Village community
9. Assistance in strengthening group institutions
Specific Objective 2 Maintaining the sustainability of slope land around water sources (Upstream of the Bodri Watershed)
Indicator 1. No expansion of forest encroachment into areas that are still protected and an increase in the coverage of the protected valley area by 1 hectare
2. Issuance of village regulations that regulate the protection of slope areas around the upstream water sources of the Bodri Watershed, such as prohibitions on land clearing in certain areas, routine tree planting activities, etc.
3. Organizing a village activity that invites and disseminates the spirit of environmental conservation among residents
Activities 1. Socialization with the village government, forestry and the community of Canggal Village
2. Formation of working groups
3. Research and identify slope land that will be reforested
4. Participatory design (concept, infrastructure, human resources, systems)
5. Planting slope land with endemic plants and plants that produce crops using an alley/strip cropping system
6. Designing and establishing village regulations related to the maintenance and management of slope land
7. Socialization of village regulations related to guarding and managing slope land
8. Monitoring and evaluation with the village government, forestry and the Canggal Village community
9. Assistance in strengthening group institutions
Directly 270 people
Female 125
Male 145
Indirectly, the village government, the people of Canggal Village, farmers around the land that is irrigated by water from the pipeline program, villages below/surrounding areas whose risk of disasters is reduced (landslides and floods).
The results of activities (water pipes, slope land) are managed and continued by residents.
There is an integrated business related to water distribution which is managed by a joint business group (BUMDes or Pamsimas), where residents who use water will pay a contribution for water use. Contribution fees from residents will become the business group's cash which will be used for operations, construction and development of water infrastructure, as well as improving human resources for managers and even the wider community (training, comparative studies, etc.). The business group will also continue the planting program using the business group's cash. LABDes monitors the sustainability of the program through joint business groups that are formed. The joint business scheme is accompanied so as not to eliminate the good culture that has been running so far, namely mutual cooperation in caring for water by residents collectively. So far, water use is still not controlled (there are no water meters yet, water is just left to flow/waste without stopping the tap).
Broadly speaking, jobs are grouped into field and managerial jobs, where administrative jobs are filled by women and field activities are filled by men. Each program point has one working group which is divided into administrative work and field work.
Specific Objective 1 Manage and maintain the water source area at Curug Slawe (Upstream of the Bodri Watershed)
Indicator 1. There is a spring catcher (PMA) at each spring
2. There is a water storage tank
3. Establishment of a water distribution system that is managed collectively and can meet the needs of residents
4. There are village regulations regarding guarding the upstream water sources of the Bodri Watershed
Activities 1. Socialization with the village government, forestry and the community of Canggal Village
2. Formation of working groups
3. Research and identify spring sources
4. Participatory design (concept, infrastructure, human resources, systems)
5. Construction of spring catchers, water storage tanks and piping installations
6. Drafting and establishing village regulations related to water protection and management
7. Socialization of village regulations related to water protection and management
8. Monitoring and evaluation with the village government, forestry and the Canggal Village community
9. Assistance in strengthening group institutions
Specific Objective 2 Maintaining the sustainability of slope land around water sources (Upstream of the Bodri Watershed)
Indicator 1. No expansion of forest encroachment into areas that are still protected and an increase in the coverage of the protected valley area by 1 hectare
2. Issuance of village regulations that regulate the protection of slope areas around the upstream water sources of the Bodri Watershed, such as prohibitions on land clearing in certain areas, routine tree planting activities, etc.
3. Organizing a village activity that invites and disseminates the spirit of environmental conservation among residents
Activities 1. Socialization with the village government, forestry and the community of Canggal Village
2. Formation of working groups
3. Research and identify slope land that will be reforested
4. Participatory design (concept, infrastructure, human resources, systems)
5. Planting slope land with endemic plants and plants that produce crops using an alley/strip cropping system
6. Designing and establishing village regulations related to the maintenance and management of slope land
7. Socialization of village regulations related to guarding and managing slope land
8. Monitoring and evaluation with the village government, forestry and the Canggal Village community
9. Assistance in strengthening group institutions
Directly 270 people
Female 125
Male 145
Indirectly, the village government, the people of Canggal Village, farmers around the land that is irrigated by water from the pipeline program, villages below/surrounding areas whose risk of disasters is reduced (landslides and floods).
The results of activities (water pipes, slope land) are managed and continued by residents.
There is an integrated business related to water distribution which is managed by a joint business group (BUMDes or Pamsimas), where residents who use water will pay a contribution for water use. Contribution fees from residents will become the business group's cash which will be used for operations, construction and development of water infrastructure, as well as improving human resources for managers and even the wider community (training, comparative studies, etc.). The business group will also continue the planting program using the business group's cash. LABDes monitors the sustainability of the program through joint business groups that are formed. The joint business scheme is accompanied so as not to eliminate the good culture that has been running so far, namely mutual cooperation in caring for water by residents collectively. So far, water use is still not controlled (there are no water meters yet, water is just left to flow/waste without stopping the tap).
Broadly speaking, jobs are grouped into field and managerial jobs, where administrative jobs are filled by women and field activities are filled by men. Each program point has one working group which is divided into administrative work and field work.
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Project Snapshot
Lab Des
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 20,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 20,470.51
Project Number:
Currently under execution
SGP Country office contact
Ms. Catharina Dwihastarini
(62-21) 720-6125/722-0905
(62-21) 722-0905
Ms. Hery Budiarto
JL. Bacang II No.8, Kramat Pela Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta Selatan, 12130
Jakarta Selatan, 12130
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