Strengthening Forest Farmer Communities in Forest Management that Supports Ecosystem Sustainability of Balantieng Watershed in Four Villages of Sinjai District, South Sulawesi
Strengthening Forest Farmer Communities in Forest Management that Supports Ecosystem Sustainability of Balantieng Watershed in Four Villages of Sinjai District, South Sulawesi
General Objectives Forest surrounding communities: Barania, Bonto Tengga, Batu Sulfur and Gunung Perak villages have created various ecosystem protection initiatives in the upper reaches of the Balantieng watershed
Specific Objective 1 Increase public awareness regarding forest conservation and sustainability of the Balantieng watershed ecosystem
Indicator 1. Increased public awareness regarding the importance of forest conservation and sustainability of the Balantieng watershed ecosystem.
2. Positive changes in community attitudes towards the concept and importance of forest conservation in community dialogue and discussions.
Activity 1. Program Socialization
2. Documenting community knowledge and experience in forest use
3. Forest FGD series as a support for life
4. Forest conservation training
5. Visit and dialogue with KPH & UPT TAHURA Abdul Latif
6. Planting trees for river rehabilitation & protection
Specific Objective 2 Community-based sustainable forest use has given rise to initiatives for selecting and protecting ecosystems in the upper reaches of the Balantieng watershed
Indicator 1. Community-based sustainable forest use has given rise to initiatives to select and protect ecosystems in the upper reaches of the Balantieng watershed
2. There has been a positive change in the community's use of forest resources in line with increasing understanding.
Activity 1. Community-based sustainable forest management FGD series.
2. Creation of a Coffee Agroforestry Demonstration Plot
3. Establishment of a Social Forestry Business Group
4. FGD identification of plants under the stand and plants that make up the forest floor that have economic value
5. Creation of a Coffee Agroforestry Demonstration Plot
6. Training on post-harvest coffee processing (picking, drying, sorting)
7. Training in making coffee derivative products (soap, lip balm, body butter and coffee perfume)
8. Marketing of coffee products and coffee derivatives (soap, lip balm, body butter and coffee perfume)
Directly 4 Forest Management Groups
Women: 54
Men: 135
Total: 189
No. Village Male Female Total
1. Sulfur Stone 1025 985 2,010
2. Bonto Tengnga 839 832 1,671
3. Barania 1,061 1,077 2,138
4. Mount Perak 1,660 1,732 3,392
Total 4,585 4,626 9,211

? Strengthen institutions and Community Commitment
Regular meetings that will be held during program implementation are designed from the start to build community commitment to program sustainability. Through these regular meetings, a program committee will be formed which will work to strengthen the institutions of the Social Forestry Business Group.
? Develop a Sustainable Business Model
Strengthening community capacity in managing coffee agroforestry plantations through to post-harvest processing is strong capital for developing a Sustainable Business Model. The community-based business model with coffee as a crop with high economic value while supporting conservation is a way to continue activities even though program support from GEF-SGP ends.
? Collaboration and Partnership
Being part of the GEF-SGP program will certainly pave the way for local communities to develop wider networks. At the same time, strengthening community capacity in implementing sustainable forest and land management will be an attraction for local governments, universities and other related parties to support program activities and expand resource networks.
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Project Snapshot

Akar Tani
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 20,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 20,257.82
Project Number:
Currently under execution

SGP Country office contact

Ms. Catharina Dwihastarini
(62-21) 720-6125/722-0905
(62-21) 722-0905
Ms. Hery Budiarto


JL. Bacang II No.8, Kramat Pela Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta Selatan, 12130

Country Website