Management and Preservation of Cerrado Soils and Biodiversity
Manejo e Conservação de Solos de Cerrado e sua Biodiversidade
Manejo e Conservação de Solos de Cerrado e sua Biodiversidade
Management and conservation of Cerrado soil and its biodiversity are the objectives of this project, increasing and developing new knowledge and techniques applicable to small farming activities. Cerrado soil is conventionally considered as a base for agricultural activities and many environmental problems have arisen from this perception. Maintenance of the biological properties of this soil is crucial to the sustainability of the small farming activities. Trenches will be opened for explanations of the different layers in the soil, degraded areas will be recovered, laboratory analyses of the soil will be carried out, and the information will be disseminated in various courses and lectures. Small farmers in local communities as well as agrarian reform settlers will benefit from these activities in the municipality of Uberlândia, state of Minas Gerais.
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Project Snapshot
Animação Pastoral e Social no Meio Rural
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 27,907.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 2,000.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Emphasis on Sustainable Livelihoods
Adequate management techniques for the Cerrado soil are the expected results of this project. An increase in production is sought with a significant decrease to the environmental impact of the activity. The reality of each community will be taken into consideration as water supply for the region is recovered and conserved. This will preserve the soil which currently suffers from erosion and guarantee the survival of the small farmers in the region without need for the rural exodus ubiquitous in Cerrado areas.
Capacity - Building Component
Soil conservation and fertility courses will be offered, as well as water resource conservation and climate.
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SGP Country office contact
Ms. Jessica Pedreira
Terena Peres de Castro
SHCGN CLR Quadra 709 Bloco E Loja 38
Brasília, Distrito Federal, 70.750-515
Brasília, Distrito Federal, 70.750-515
Country Website
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