Omani Paimanda Integrated Conservation and Development Project, Enga Province.
Omani Paimanda Integrated Conservation and Development Project, Enga Province.
The project recieved US$19,391.11 to establish the Omani - Paimanda Wildlife Management Area. The proposed WMA was to prserve the habitat and the population of the was Arfak Astrapia (Astrapia nigral) and Huon Astrapia (Astrapia rothschildi) both the provincial emblems for the Enga province.

The concern was that the interior of the proposed WMA was under threat of being exploited and therefore conservation and development was seen as an alternate to promote conservation and provide support to sustain the livelihood.

The project was partially completed and its objectives were partially achieved as the project was incomplete as mentioned in the completion report. The funds were used to build a two bedroom guest house, 10km footpath, a nursery with seedlings.

The project was visited by the then NC, Dorothy Luana and Thomas Paka, then PA. The project sustainablility was uncertain and when the SGP funds were completely used up the project closed with partial completed activities. The objective of the project to establish the Omani-Paimanda a WMA was not achieved due to shortage in finance.
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Project Snapshot

Omani-Paimanda Integrated Conservation and Development Project Management
Papua new guinea
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 16,391.11
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed

SGP Country office contact

Ms. Tamalis Akus
+675 321 2877 Ext. 204
+675 321 1224


UNDP, P.O. Box 1041
Port Moresby, Pacific, 121

Country Website