Development of Two Agroecological Production Units with Emphasis on the Energy Balance in the Cerrado Region of Minas Gerais
Desenvolvimento de Duas Unidades Piloto de Produção Agroecológica com Ênfase no Balanço na Região dos Cerrados de Minas Gerais
Desenvolvimento de Duas Unidades Piloto de Produção Agroecológica com Ênfase no Balanço na Região dos Cerrados de Minas Gerais
Implementation of 2 agroecological units based on capacity-building activities on native fruit and riparian wood management product processing and commercialization is the goal of this project. Furthermore, alternative energy sources will be used in the implementation of gardens in the homes of the community members. This will take place in the municipality of Buritis, state of Minas Gerais. A plant nursery will also be installed for production of native Cerrado riparian wood specimens such as pequi, baru, and cagaita. Water wheels and photovoltaic cells are the alternative energy sources planned. The agroecological units will produce garden vegetables, oil-yielding plants, and native Cerrado fruit. They will be installed in two different agrarian reform settlements. Changes to the conventional farming methods are sought, justifying the installation of plant nursery-schools.
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Project Snapshot
Sindicato dos Trabalhadores Rurais de Burutis
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 23,945.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 11,351.35
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Emphasis on Sustainable Livelihoods
85 families will have direct participation and benefits from execution of this project. Neighboring families will also benefit from the implementation of the activities. Environmental protection will be promoted, thus insuring the availability of natural resources for the generations to come.
Capacity - Building Component
A workshop will be held in each settlement in alternative energy sources and energy balance in the agricultural production. Another workshop will be held on organic irrigated production. Three additional workshops will be held in each settlement on riparian wood management, agroecological production, and organic product commercialization. Courses will be offered in Environmental Law and Agrarian Reform, and Agrarian Reform and Environment.
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SGP Country office contact
Ms. Jessica Pedreira
Terena Peres de Castro
SHCGN CLR Quadra 709 Bloco E Loja 38
Brasília, Distrito Federal, 70.750-515
Brasília, Distrito Federal, 70.750-515
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