Community based conservation of straight horn Markhor, Afghan Urial and associated Biodiversity in Takatu
Species conservation, control on poaching, improvement of natural resources for alternative livelihood, capacity building of community/ partners. Lessons learnt will be shared with other stakeholders and interested organizations/ individuals.
Operational program/short term measures:
The project will focus on biodiversity in the mountain
ecosystem of Takatu Hills. The target area lies in the arid
zone. The project area is an important site forbiodiversity.
Project linkages to national priorities, action plan, and programs:
The national conservation strategy and recently approved
Balochistan conservation strategy put emphasis on community
participation to conserve biodiversity. Biodiversity action
plan of Pakistan recognizes the importance and role of
custodian communities in managing their natural resources.
Section II, chapter 15 of Agenda 21 also aimes at
supporting the Conve:1tion on Biological Diversity to which
Pakistan is a party. Suleman Markhor and Afghan Urial are
on decline in the province except in Torghar Hills in the
province. Organizations like WWF and IUCN have put emphasis
on conserving these species urgently.
Nature of the Community Group or NGO seeking an award under the GEF NGO
Small-Grants Programme:
is a local CBO working for the betterment of in the area and specifically the wildlife
It is represented by a various tribal groups in area. The CBO has experience in the community
Wrore Galvi environment protection.
the project development and is also active for the conservation of
natural resources.. There are 10 members in the board of CEO
represented from different villages and sub tribes. Local
community is an indigenous group of Balochistan's tribes.
The CEO has been registered with the Population and Social
Welfare Department, government of Balochistan. The CEO is
already involved in protection and conservation of wildlife
and natural resources in this proposed project area.
Name and Address of the organization:
Takatu Wrore Galvi Taraqee
Quetta district.
Tanzeem, Killi Saraghurgi,
Principal Officers:Mr. Abdul Malik is the President
Khan is Chairperson of the CBO.
and Mr. Malik Mohammed
Nature of Proposed Activity:
The proposed activities are to practice and demonstrate
conservation and sustainable management of globally
significant wildlife and associated biodiversity in the
project area through the involvement of local communities,
those are:
1. To raise awareness about importance of natural resources
especially Suleman Markhor and Afghan Urial and associated biodiversity
through dialogues, Jargas, meeting, training, exposure/study tours
2. To mobilize community through formation of sub committees in the
project area on th.e basis of villages/tribes and sub tribes
3. To start alternate Livelihood Development through improvement and
development of natural resources such as water & soil conservation
activities, nursery raising etc.
4. To protect and conserve Suleman Markhor, Afghan Urial and
associated biodiversity in the area through community game guards.
5. To prepare and implement the conservation and development plans
6. To start and implement participatory M&E
7. To exchange information and lessons learnt through this project
to different stakeholders
TPhriem aryp rOimbajercyt ive: objective of the proposed project is to
conserve the two game species namely Suleman Markhor and
Afghan Urial and sustainably use the natural resources.
Active involvement of different stakeholder, especially the
local communities will be sought.
There are 10 villages in the project area with a population of 12000. A
few more villages with a population of 18000 also influence the natural
resources in the project area. So the total population in the area is
30,000/. The name of the villages are: Killi Saraghurgi, Killi Shabak,
Killi Shagloon, Killi Mangla, Killi Saran Tangi, Killi Zawarkan, Killi
Nalli, Killi Nagha, Killi Mughtian and Killi Omai. The women will also
participate in the activities such as plantation of fuel wood lots to
reduce distance covered by them in collecting fuel wood.
The Takatu Range is an ideal habitat for Suleman Markhor,
Afghan Urial and associated biodiversity in the arid
ecosystem in Pakistan. The area is famous for its richness
in flora and fauna of arid ecosystem in the region.
Traditionally people were fond of hunting for leisure and
subsistence needs. However, presently there is a negative
impact on the biodiversity of area due to increase in human
population and excessive use of natural resources by the
community. Illegal poaching/hunting, mostly by influential
people, in the project area is a big threat for the
remaining population of Suleman Markhor and Afghan Urial.
Part of the project area is state forest managed by the
Forest Department, according to an agreement arrived with
the local tribes during the British Rule. The local
communities have certain rights of taking natural resources
and visit the habitat. Due to increase in human population,
the people mostly use it for collection of fuel wood,
medicinal plants as well as grazing more than its carrying
capacity. As a result, the status of flora and fauna is
degrading and habitat can not sustain even the remaining
animals. A few individuals from the area help the poachers
for illegal hunting of Markhor, Urial and partridges.
The two species have suffered heavy
their habitat due to the following:
decline as well as
Decline in effectiveness of the Forest
resulting in insufficient protection of
species from poachers.
Lack of community involvement in protecting the
species and conserving the natural resources resulting
in an overall degradation of habitat
Evasiveness and alienation feeling among local
communities about the importance and significance of
The increasing poverty has
local communities use
the two
to a situation where
the natural resources
indiscriminately; using more than its carrying
capacity and habitat becoming unsuitable for wildlife.
Nomadic and trans-human and their livestock have
increased in the recent times.
Present Situation:
Influential people hunt illegally specially Suleman
Markhor, Afghan Urial, and Chakore partridge in the area.
Hunters from the nearby town of Quetta used to come at
week ends when forest guards are not there. Since a year
the CBO is trying to protect the area from hunting by
assigning a few local volunteers to stop the hunters. The
CBO has even registered case against illegal hunters in the
recent past. Since the area is large, i.e. 125 square miles
and has more than eight routes for entry, therefore, CBO
alone can n9t :stop the hunters with its present human
resources on long term basis. Some local community members
also enter the core area for firewood collection according
to their traditional rights. Some of the tribal groups use
the area for grazing too. Presently the grazing and fuel
wood collection is being done more than its carrying
capacity. Due to differei1t reasons forest guards are not
'active to stop hunting properly. Presently Suleman Markhor
and Afghan Urial's numbers are low and hunters are
discouraged. However, since in the last year protecting by
the CBO a few Suleman Markhor and Afghan Urial have been
seen in very remote corners. A proper wildlife survey must
be conducted to assess the number of both animals and
status of habitat. Forest Department has agreed to do the
survey together with the CBO.
Three Years -September 2000 to October 2003
Characteristics of the proposed activity:
The conservation of biodiversity through community
participation has been emphasized in the Balochistan
Conservation Strategy.
The proposed activities would include social mobilization
of local communities, raising their awareness about
biodiversity in the project area, preparing the development
plan for improving the status of species and their habitat.
As well as sustainably utilizing the natural resources
including species of wild animals after building their
population to their potential.
How the proposed activity will be carried out:
The proposed activities will be carried out through active
involvement of local communities, CBO and Forest
Department:. SUSG Central Asia and STEP will be involved in
capacity building, awareness raising and monitoring
Meeting, dialogues and Jarga will be held to formulate code
of conduct for community members to protect the Suleman
Markhor, Afghan Urial. This will include punishment and
reward in case of violation and services for providing
project implementatio~ methodology, hiring and monitoring
'of community game guards will be provided accordingly.
A management plan wiJ.I be proposed for protection,
conservation and sustainable use including some
interventions to improve/develop the natural resources of
the area so that pressure of grazing and fuel wood
collection decreases on the protected area.
The community game guards will be hired to protect the
The activities related to natural resources conservation
will be done on the basis of community percentage of cost
share and involvement in the protection of biodiversity,
keeping in view the eq\,lity of benefits accruing to all
The communities own rules and regulations will be made to
protect, conserve and sustainably use the wildlife and
other natural resources.
Regular monitoring will be don~ by using the indicators to
be developed and through participatory methods
Role of Recipient:
The recipient communities will decide the rules and
regulation to protect the wildlife and .natural resources.
These rules and regulations will be endorsed by the council
of elders (Jarga.
Community activists will work voluntarily during and after
the project..
Local experts will work together with experts to survey the
Local communities are the direct impledenters and
beneficiaries of the project and are responsible for the
follow -up of activities after the project completion under
GEF support. Meanwhile negotiation with government will
start about:: the co-management of area at a later stage.
Role of partner organizations:
The CBO will be responsible to get prepared the management
plan by actively involving the communities members. CBO
will implement the project effectively and will also
monitor it. The Forest Department will also implement the
activities as a base line cost in accordance with GEF/SGP
programme under its annual development programme.
The sub committees of NGO will be directly responsible to
effectively implement the program and make it sure that
programme to conserve the biodiveristy remains active after
the completion of activities through GEF.
The forest programme ofporgramme.
department will also the area according to start a its annual
development development
The SUSG Central Asia will be involved or capacity building
and technical backstopping throughout the project life.
Context of the activit)':
This project directly deals with two species of global
significance and both are listed under IUCN Red List. The
project is in the field of biodiversity. The operational
programme area is arid ecosystem.
Anticipated project results:
The community is formed to take areas fully mobilized, i.e.
up responsibilities in sub committees are their respective
The rules and regulations to protect the wildlife (Suleman
Markhor and Afghan Urial) are made, implemented and
respected by all stake holders.
The community is fully responsible to protect and conserve
the two key species I i.e. Suleman Markhor and Afghan Urial
in special,ly and area biodiversity in general.
The management plan of the area is made
This also included to survey the area to
status of Suleman Markhor and Afghan Urial.
and see implemented. the present
The schemes to improve and natural
sustainable use are implemented.
Operational program/short term measures:
The project will focus on biodiversity in the mountain
ecosystem of Takatu Hills. The target area lies in the arid
zone. The project area is an important site forbiodiversity.
Project linkages to national priorities, action plan, and programs:
The national conservation strategy and recently approved
Balochistan conservation strategy put emphasis on community
participation to conserve biodiversity. Biodiversity action
plan of Pakistan recognizes the importance and role of
custodian communities in managing their natural resources.
Section II, chapter 15 of Agenda 21 also aimes at
supporting the Conve:1tion on Biological Diversity to which
Pakistan is a party. Suleman Markhor and Afghan Urial are
on decline in the province except in Torghar Hills in the
province. Organizations like WWF and IUCN have put emphasis
on conserving these species urgently.
Nature of the Community Group or NGO seeking an award under the GEF NGO
Small-Grants Programme:
is a local CBO working for the betterment of in the area and specifically the wildlife
It is represented by a various tribal groups in area. The CBO has experience in the community
Wrore Galvi environment protection.
the project development and is also active for the conservation of
natural resources.. There are 10 members in the board of CEO
represented from different villages and sub tribes. Local
community is an indigenous group of Balochistan's tribes.
The CEO has been registered with the Population and Social
Welfare Department, government of Balochistan. The CEO is
already involved in protection and conservation of wildlife
and natural resources in this proposed project area.
Name and Address of the organization:
Takatu Wrore Galvi Taraqee
Quetta district.
Tanzeem, Killi Saraghurgi,
Principal Officers:Mr. Abdul Malik is the President
Khan is Chairperson of the CBO.
and Mr. Malik Mohammed
Nature of Proposed Activity:
The proposed activities are to practice and demonstrate
conservation and sustainable management of globally
significant wildlife and associated biodiversity in the
project area through the involvement of local communities,
those are:
1. To raise awareness about importance of natural resources
especially Suleman Markhor and Afghan Urial and associated biodiversity
through dialogues, Jargas, meeting, training, exposure/study tours
2. To mobilize community through formation of sub committees in the
project area on th.e basis of villages/tribes and sub tribes
3. To start alternate Livelihood Development through improvement and
development of natural resources such as water & soil conservation
activities, nursery raising etc.
4. To protect and conserve Suleman Markhor, Afghan Urial and
associated biodiversity in the area through community game guards.
5. To prepare and implement the conservation and development plans
6. To start and implement participatory M&E
7. To exchange information and lessons learnt through this project
to different stakeholders
TPhriem aryp rOimbajercyt ive: objective of the proposed project is to
conserve the two game species namely Suleman Markhor and
Afghan Urial and sustainably use the natural resources.
Active involvement of different stakeholder, especially the
local communities will be sought.
There are 10 villages in the project area with a population of 12000. A
few more villages with a population of 18000 also influence the natural
resources in the project area. So the total population in the area is
30,000/. The name of the villages are: Killi Saraghurgi, Killi Shabak,
Killi Shagloon, Killi Mangla, Killi Saran Tangi, Killi Zawarkan, Killi
Nalli, Killi Nagha, Killi Mughtian and Killi Omai. The women will also
participate in the activities such as plantation of fuel wood lots to
reduce distance covered by them in collecting fuel wood.
The Takatu Range is an ideal habitat for Suleman Markhor,
Afghan Urial and associated biodiversity in the arid
ecosystem in Pakistan. The area is famous for its richness
in flora and fauna of arid ecosystem in the region.
Traditionally people were fond of hunting for leisure and
subsistence needs. However, presently there is a negative
impact on the biodiversity of area due to increase in human
population and excessive use of natural resources by the
community. Illegal poaching/hunting, mostly by influential
people, in the project area is a big threat for the
remaining population of Suleman Markhor and Afghan Urial.
Part of the project area is state forest managed by the
Forest Department, according to an agreement arrived with
the local tribes during the British Rule. The local
communities have certain rights of taking natural resources
and visit the habitat. Due to increase in human population,
the people mostly use it for collection of fuel wood,
medicinal plants as well as grazing more than its carrying
capacity. As a result, the status of flora and fauna is
degrading and habitat can not sustain even the remaining
animals. A few individuals from the area help the poachers
for illegal hunting of Markhor, Urial and partridges.
The two species have suffered heavy
their habitat due to the following:
decline as well as
Decline in effectiveness of the Forest
resulting in insufficient protection of
species from poachers.
Lack of community involvement in protecting the
species and conserving the natural resources resulting
in an overall degradation of habitat
Evasiveness and alienation feeling among local
communities about the importance and significance of
The increasing poverty has
local communities use
the two
to a situation where
the natural resources
indiscriminately; using more than its carrying
capacity and habitat becoming unsuitable for wildlife.
Nomadic and trans-human and their livestock have
increased in the recent times.
Present Situation:
Influential people hunt illegally specially Suleman
Markhor, Afghan Urial, and Chakore partridge in the area.
Hunters from the nearby town of Quetta used to come at
week ends when forest guards are not there. Since a year
the CBO is trying to protect the area from hunting by
assigning a few local volunteers to stop the hunters. The
CBO has even registered case against illegal hunters in the
recent past. Since the area is large, i.e. 125 square miles
and has more than eight routes for entry, therefore, CBO
alone can n9t :stop the hunters with its present human
resources on long term basis. Some local community members
also enter the core area for firewood collection according
to their traditional rights. Some of the tribal groups use
the area for grazing too. Presently the grazing and fuel
wood collection is being done more than its carrying
capacity. Due to differei1t reasons forest guards are not
'active to stop hunting properly. Presently Suleman Markhor
and Afghan Urial's numbers are low and hunters are
discouraged. However, since in the last year protecting by
the CBO a few Suleman Markhor and Afghan Urial have been
seen in very remote corners. A proper wildlife survey must
be conducted to assess the number of both animals and
status of habitat. Forest Department has agreed to do the
survey together with the CBO.
Three Years -September 2000 to October 2003
Characteristics of the proposed activity:
The conservation of biodiversity through community
participation has been emphasized in the Balochistan
Conservation Strategy.
The proposed activities would include social mobilization
of local communities, raising their awareness about
biodiversity in the project area, preparing the development
plan for improving the status of species and their habitat.
As well as sustainably utilizing the natural resources
including species of wild animals after building their
population to their potential.
How the proposed activity will be carried out:
The proposed activities will be carried out through active
involvement of local communities, CBO and Forest
Department:. SUSG Central Asia and STEP will be involved in
capacity building, awareness raising and monitoring
Meeting, dialogues and Jarga will be held to formulate code
of conduct for community members to protect the Suleman
Markhor, Afghan Urial. This will include punishment and
reward in case of violation and services for providing
project implementatio~ methodology, hiring and monitoring
'of community game guards will be provided accordingly.
A management plan wiJ.I be proposed for protection,
conservation and sustainable use including some
interventions to improve/develop the natural resources of
the area so that pressure of grazing and fuel wood
collection decreases on the protected area.
The community game guards will be hired to protect the
The activities related to natural resources conservation
will be done on the basis of community percentage of cost
share and involvement in the protection of biodiversity,
keeping in view the eq\,lity of benefits accruing to all
The communities own rules and regulations will be made to
protect, conserve and sustainably use the wildlife and
other natural resources.
Regular monitoring will be don~ by using the indicators to
be developed and through participatory methods
Role of Recipient:
The recipient communities will decide the rules and
regulation to protect the wildlife and .natural resources.
These rules and regulations will be endorsed by the council
of elders (Jarga.
Community activists will work voluntarily during and after
the project..
Local experts will work together with experts to survey the
Local communities are the direct impledenters and
beneficiaries of the project and are responsible for the
follow -up of activities after the project completion under
GEF support. Meanwhile negotiation with government will
start about:: the co-management of area at a later stage.
Role of partner organizations:
The CBO will be responsible to get prepared the management
plan by actively involving the communities members. CBO
will implement the project effectively and will also
monitor it. The Forest Department will also implement the
activities as a base line cost in accordance with GEF/SGP
programme under its annual development programme.
The sub committees of NGO will be directly responsible to
effectively implement the program and make it sure that
programme to conserve the biodiveristy remains active after
the completion of activities through GEF.
The forest programme ofporgramme.
department will also the area according to start a its annual
development development
The SUSG Central Asia will be involved or capacity building
and technical backstopping throughout the project life.
Context of the activit)':
This project directly deals with two species of global
significance and both are listed under IUCN Red List. The
project is in the field of biodiversity. The operational
programme area is arid ecosystem.
Anticipated project results:
The community is formed to take areas fully mobilized, i.e.
up responsibilities in sub committees are their respective
The rules and regulations to protect the wildlife (Suleman
Markhor and Afghan Urial) are made, implemented and
respected by all stake holders.
The community is fully responsible to protect and conserve
the two key species I i.e. Suleman Markhor and Afghan Urial
in special,ly and area biodiversity in general.
The management plan of the area is made
This also included to survey the area to
status of Suleman Markhor and Afghan Urial.
and see implemented. the present
The schemes to improve and natural
sustainable use are implemented.
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Project Snapshot
Takatu Wrore Galvi Taraqee Tanzeem
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 39,121.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 20,325.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 10,958.00
Project Number:
Project Terminated Before Completion
Project Characteristics and Results
Notable Community Participation
The project area is shared with Forest and wildlife department of government. The government has allow CBO to work under community participation approach. Different tribes have rights of ownership and use of area. The conservation and development work of natural resources is being done according to a traditional tribal rights prevailing in the area. And benefits accrue in the process of conservation will be shared among tribal groups accordingly.
SGP Country office contact
Mr. Chatro Khatri
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