A database of resource persons (nature guides, boatmen and others) among the Semelai community will be compiled and partnerships created with other small businesses, tour operators, educational institutions and the media to promote sustainable alternative livelihoods for the Semelai community. The Semelai will be encouraged to adopt alternative sustainable livelihoods that will also improve their economic levels (currently 50% of Semelai population residing around the Tasek Bera wetlands live under the national poverty level).
Regular community meetings will be held by WI-MP with men and women from the Semelai community to involve them in developing a sense of ownership of the project and setting workplans and project implementation strategies.
Promoting Public Awareness of Global Environment
Tasek Bera is a recognised Ramsar site of global importance. The importance of conserving Tasek Bera will be promoted among the local Semelai community as well as among the general public. The general public will be educated about Tasek Bera through the project's efforts to emphasise the eco-tourism and recreational potential of the wetlands. The project will develop brochures, posters, postcards and maps among other items for marketing purposes. Information on Tasek Bera will be promoted in tourist information centres, hotels, hostels, etc. in major towns and cities. A webpage will be created for the eco-friendly goods and services of the Semelai community. In addition, visits will be facilitated of media and potential partners such as tour agencies.
Capacity - Building Component
The project will provide training for the Semelai people to improve their nature guiding skills, environmental consciousness, English language skills, rural finance management skills (systems of accounting and benefit sharing), computing skills, and handicraft production. Working guidelines will be developed for eco-tourism in Tasek Bera and a protocol developed for sharing income and work among the Semelai people. Also study tours will be conducted to other eco-tourism destinations in Malaysian and information exchanges facilitated with other communities involved in eco-tourism.
Significant Participation of Indigenous Peoples
There is significant participation of the indigenous Semelai people in this project. The local Semelai community will be involved in the planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of the project. The regular community meetings that will be held will facilitate the establishment of a capable and effective group of Semelai who will eventually manage eco-tourism activities at Tasek Bera. Also community-managed projects will be promoted to ensure the participation of the Semelai in the project.
Notable Community Participation
Wetlands International Malaysia Programme (WI-MP) have a longstanding involvement with the Tasek Bera wetlands area and the indigenous Semelai community. The Semalai community will be involved throughout the planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of the project. Also, the project will assist in the formal registration of a community-based organisation called the Semelai Association for Boats and Tourism (SABOT).
Project Results
The project intended to develop participatory mechanisms through which the indigenous Semelai population around Tasek Bera could benefit directly form the establishment of eco tourism enterprises in around their home hence improving their socio economic status and thus reducing impacts on the natural resources of Tasek Bera.
Throughout the project consultations and meetings were held at each stage of project implementation to ensure the decisions made were derived unanimously with consensus.
Profit sharing mechanisms also has been proven to be successful so that SABOT has and will continue to have sufficient funds.
Selected individuals have also taken full responsibility and have the capacity to involve others from the community.
A brochure has also been developed with information on the facilities and services available at Tasek Bera. I June 2001 a website was developed and has been a major source of promotion for both SABOT and the handicraft production. Contacts have been established with the Ministry of culture Arts and tourism and a few tour agencies to promote the project site.
Feedback from the community has shown that they realize the potential of tourism and they have also adapted to the organizational structure and management system set up during the project.
Members of SABOT were also trained to communicate in English and to use the computer.
The Semelai have shown great improvement in their conduct while guiding and showing the wetlands and trails to tourists. In general they have been sensitized to the conservation of the RAMSAR site. It is also evident that that the members have a better understanding about a clean and healthy environment so they minimize littering and keep Tasek Bera in its near pristine state.