In Situ Use, Management and Conservation of Local Varieties of Potato in the Southern Region of Ecuador
In Situ Use, Management and Conservation of Local Varieties of Potato in the Southern Region of Ecuador
Nace la idea del proyecto como una continuidad de la experiencia de trabajo de CEDIR, que tras la selección de semillas locales y producción agroecológica en zona de secano, deseaba difundir tres variedades de papa.

El proyecto trabaja en el resate, multiplicación y redistribución de materiales germoplásticos de papas locales. Incorpora actividades de promoción, capacitación y difusión de tecnologías de manejo del germoplasma de la papa. Pone su énfasis en la participación, capacitación y seguridad alimentaria.
El objetivo general es la conservación de la biodiversidad agrícola.
Los objetivos específicos son:
- Establecer una estructura permanente para la conservación y multiplicación del germoplasma y de las variedades seleccionadas por CEDIR.
- Implementar parcelas para el cultivo del germoplasma recolectado, para su caracterización y multiplicación.
- Promocionar a nivel de agricultores la importancia de conservar el germoplasma de la papa así como las semillas locales seleccionadas a partir de dichos materiales. Construir y/o adecuar pequeñas infraestructuras en el proceso de conservación del material germoplástico y de las semillas locales seleccionadas.

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Project Snapshot

Centro de Desarrollo e Investigación rural
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 26,587.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 22,083.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Emphasis on Sustainable Livelihoods
Continual introduction of high-yielding potato varieties will march parallel to the gradual disappearance of the existing local variety. However, achieving conservation of the germ plasma alone would be difficult to achieve. Consequently, the strategy is to produce improved local varieties that may even compete on the market and thus interest farmers in maintaining the source of their select seed. Therefore, the creation of three well-organized and strategically located seed groups that can count on available natural resources (community land and irrigation water), technical knowledge regarding the process of seed management and an established market for the seed would guarantee the self-management of these groups and result in the in situ maintenance of the germ plasma.
Capacity - Building Component
The communities, through the families that conform them, are responsible for procuring the collected potato germ plasma and the process of conservation in their production units. They are also responsible for recuperating and conserving all the local potato material available or known in the community as well as the ancestral methods of cultivation. Once the project has finished, they will promise to continue self-management practices and conserve the local germ plasma material of this species.
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SGP Country office contact

Sr Johana Jácome
(593-2) 3824240 ext. 3101


Centro Corporativo Ekopark (Av. Nayón y Av. Simón Bolívar)
Quito, Pichincha, 593

Country Website