Workshop and Exhibition "Towards a National Eco-Tourism Strategy"
This project aims to create a common platform for the different stakeholders in the tourism industry to acknowledge that there is a need for an Eco-tourism Strategy and to devise means by which the strategy can be developed. The best way to avoid negative environmental impact and to reinforce positive ones is the properly planned tourism, using the appropriate environmental planning approach, before development actually takes place. However, a shared opinion on the subject is not yet fully in existence, hence, the need for the proposed Workshop and Exhibition under this project. The GEF/SGP grant will be used to produce different sensitisation and workshop materials and finance the cost of running the workshop .
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Project Snapshot
The Management Society of the University of Mauritius
Area Of Work:
Multifocal Area
Grant Amount:
US$ 5,470.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 4,276.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 3,395.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Capacity - Building Component
In addition to the environmental issues, the young NGO's capacity in implementing project and fund-raising has been built though this project.
Notable Community Participation
Participation of various stakeholders in the workshop including college students, students from the University of Mauritius, other NGOs, Government officials etc.
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SGP Country office contact
Mrs. Pamela Bapoo-Dundoo
(230) 213 53 84
(230) 212 14 11
2nd Floor, Sugar Industry Pension Fund Building, 1 Remy Ollier Street
Port Louis, Mauritius
Port Louis, Mauritius
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