Consensus and awareness-raising for the purpose of the restoration of the habitat (flora and fauna) in a swamp nearby the village Santigron - TRI/01/15
Consensus and awareness-raising for the purpose of the restoration of the habitat (flora and fauna) in a swamp nearby the village Santigron - TRI/01/15
The planning grant will facilitate the preparation of a project proposal for the restoration of a wetland habitat near the village of Santigron.

For an adequate restoration of the swamp, experts are needed who can plan and describe a professional reconstruction in advance. The foundation does not have the knowledge and expertise in order to draw up the execution plan for the rehabilitation of the swamp. It is about the preparation of the project on several levels, technically as well as with the aid of the human involvement of the villagers.

The project idea arose from talks with the villagers who indicated that there was a large supply of food when the swamp still existed. There is the notion that if the swamp is rehabilitated, flora and fauna will restore themselves.
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Project Snapshot

Working Group Santigron Foundation
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 2,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 2,000.00
Project Number:
Project Terminated Before Completion
Project Characteristics and Results
Notable Community Participation
The members of the local organisation and other villagers will actively participate in the technical survey and preparation of the project proposal

SGP Country office contact

Mr. Eric Wijngaarde
597-420030 ext. 238
Bharti Manurat


UNDP Country - Office Paramaribo, Gonggrijpstraat 25
Paramaribo, Latin America