Guidelines on Legal Proceedings and Fundraising for Environmental Conservation
The NGOs working on environmental protection have lack of knowledge on current legal legislation and procedures for finacial resources to support their activities.
The objective of this project is to compile this information in the form of a hand-book and to distribute it nation wide. The hand-book will include information and sources of information to help individuals and NGOs to indentify and understand environmental problems of their areas, the basic environmental concepts, their legal rights to access to information and to take action or to take part in it. A separate section will include current sources for finacial resources in the form of funds, grant, awards, etc as well as conditions and general guidelines on how to compile a potentially succesful application to obtain these.
The objective of this project is to compile this information in the form of a hand-book and to distribute it nation wide. The hand-book will include information and sources of information to help individuals and NGOs to indentify and understand environmental problems of their areas, the basic environmental concepts, their legal rights to access to information and to take action or to take part in it. A separate section will include current sources for finacial resources in the form of funds, grant, awards, etc as well as conditions and general guidelines on how to compile a potentially succesful application to obtain these.
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Project Snapshot
Global Balance Society
Area Of Work:
Multifocal Area
Grant Amount:
US$ 23,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 11,500.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Capacity - Building Component
The objective of the project is to built the capacity of the NGOs in Turkey active in conservation.
Although there are a large number of NGOs currently active in Turkey on issues of environmental protection, a big portion of these have not been able to reach the capacity required to be effective. A very apparent common reason for this is their lack of knowledge on their legal rights, current legal legislation and procedures as well as finacial resources to fund and support their activities. The project aims to spread the information to nation-wide and Local NGOs for their more efficient work.
SGP Country office contact
Ms. Gokmen Argun
90-312 4541131
90-312 4961463
Ms Basak Okay
+90312 454 11 32
Yildiz Kule, Yukari Dikmen Mahallesi, Turan Gunes Bulvari, No:106, 06550, Cankaya,
Ankara, RBEC, 06610
Ankara, RBEC, 06610
Country Website
Visit the Turkiye Country Page