Watershed Conservation and Management and Microhydro Power Development for Electrification and Livelihood Project
Watershed Conservation and Management and Microhydro Power Development for Electrification and Livelihood Project
The project aims to develop and install a community-based renewable energy system,a 25-kW micro-hydro power system in Brgy. Bagong Bayan, Roxas, Palawan. It also aims to develop and conserve the Desay watershed to ensure a sustained water supply for the MHP and to enhance the resource conditions of Bagong Bayan.

The project will involve the installation and development of a.) A doable community-based watershed conservation and protection plan to ensure a steady supply for the micro-hydropower project; b.) A 25-kW micro-hydropower for household electrification and ice production plant to be powered by the proposed MHP.

The Alibanua Range is the highest mountain in Roxas and Dumaran having an elevation ranging from 100 to 300 meters above sea level. It is also the catchment basin of two major rivers in Palawan, the Ilian and Taradungan Rivers. Ilian River originates from the southern part of Brgy. San Antonio and flows to Brgy. Taradungan. The catchment basin has an estimated area of 518 hectares. Alibanua mountain range provides primary forest cover to the interior western side of Bagong Bayan and other parts of the adjacent barangays.

The proposed watershed area for development is 90% primary forest but needs rehabilitation due to wind, forest fires, landslide destruction and illegal logging. The watershed area is classified as timberland and has no Community Based Forest Management Project yet. Some of the community members however reported to have CSC, which approximately covers 30 hectares.
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Project Snapshot

Palawan Center for Appropriate Rural Technology, Inc.
Area Of Work:
Multifocal Area
Grant Amount:
US$ 46,194.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 11,956.74
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 10,514.81
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Significant Participation of Indigenous Peoples
Capacity - Building Component
The MHP project is intended to be a community-based endeavor with a primary objective to provide energy services to Bagong Bayan households and community. Policy formulation and day-to-day operational management shall be undertaken by a committee to be created for the project. As a community-based project, MHP development will necessary entail community organizing and social preparation, mobilization for the actual implementation and the eventual management of the MHP system. The management structure shall be defined during the Phase 1 implementation, and will be hammered out until Phase 1 completion. Trainings on project management, both for the power and ice plants, shall be intensively conducted during Phase 2 implementation. Revenues to be generated shall be plowed back for the operation and sustainability of the MHP system. Financial management shall be undertaken and will constitute a key aspect of project management.
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The Royal Netherlands Embassy

SGP Country office contact

Mr. Errol Gatumbato
Ms. Leajim Villanueva


No. 77 Matahimik Street, Teachers’ Village,
Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines, 1101