Local Community-Based Coral Reef Conservation and Empowering Local People's Income
Local Community-Based Coral Reef Conservation and Empowering Local People's Income
Project Development Goal :
Healthy coral reef ecosystems and better quality of livelihood in Pulau Panggang and Pulau Kelapa Village, Kepulauan Seribu Utara Subdistrict, Kepulauan Seribu Regency, North Jakarta.
Project Objectives :
1. To manage coral reef ecosystem through collaborative management between stakeholders
2. To promote environmentally friendly fishing tools
3. To open and widen business opportunities for communities.
4. To develop information management system.

Expected Output :
1. A model of community-based coral reef management
2. High growth percentage of coral reef on the permanent demonstration plot.
3. Establishment of ice production factory.
4. Establishment of five (5) community groups to manage revolving funds, fish farming, ice production, reef restoration and fisher folk.
5. Increased revenue among communities from ice production, fishing and fish farming.
6. Base-line data to support community-based social-economic, biological and enterprise monitoring

Activities to be conducted:
Objectives 1. To manage coral reef ecosystem through collaborative management between stakeholders
1.1. Community Organizing
To overcome coral reef deterioration, we need to organize fisher folk livelihood capability, through Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) training, facilitated by community organizer. This tool is the first step to build awareness on organization management among fishermen .
a. Participatory Rural Appraisal Training
The goal of the training is to develop capacity and capability of local community to face and analyze the problem, and formulating activities plan for the benefit of community and natural resources. The training will be participated by 35 individuals from three village.
b. Coral Reef Transplantation Training.
To develop fishermen?s technical knowledge on coral reef transplantation, the type of coral reef for transplantation, the media for transplantation and the observation method.
c. Participatory Mapping Training
The goal is to teach the fishermen about how to map the conservation and catching area. The map will be made by the community based on their interest.
1.2. Participatory Mapping
1.2.1. Coral Reef Observation and Evaluation
To determine the boundaries of project sites through participatory mapping by fishermen and facilitated by project staff. The fishermen should be directly involved in planning and implementation. The goal is to formulate utilization and conservation area. The information will include:
a. Highly damaged coral reef area.
b. Highly exploited area.
c. Protected area
1.2.2. Planning and Determining the Boundaries of Conservation Area
Based on formulated map of conservation, it needs to organize meeting among stakeholders of Kepulauan Seribu Utara, to decide :
a. General agreement on the status on the conservation area management and the mechanism.
b. The map supported by objective field data will be submitted to local government of Kepulauan Seribu Utara, so that the government policy on natural resources management, will be based on community?s interest.
1.3. Coral Reef Restoration
Human activities had damaged coral reef heavily. According to LIPI and UNESCO research in 1996, the area of coral reef coverage remained just 15%. To save the coral reef it needs :
1.3.1. Coral reef transplantation
The transplantation efforts had been done by Taman Nasional Laut Kepulauan Seribu, two years ago. The groups of fishermen will manage the same efforts through planning, implementing and monitoring process. The activities include planning, organizing, action and monitoring. The purpose is to heal the coral reef naturally. The transplantation experiment will be implemented through collaboration with Lembaga Oseanologi LIPI, Faculties of fisheries IPB and Yayasan Terangi. The experiment includes :
1. Preparing concrete container to grow the coral reef.
2. Coral reef which has branches recover better than massive one.
3. The experiment location must have proper hydrologic condition. It is in Pulau Kotok Kecil, Pulau Semak Daun, Pulau Kelapa and Pulau Belanda
4. The experiment result from the habitat with sand and habitat with damaged coral reef will be compared.
1.3.2. Artificial Coral Reef
To accelerate the growth of fish home, the artificial coral reef will be made and put in the damaged area. It can be made of concrete. Generally the coral reef in Kepulauan Seribu is in very bad condition. Just the coral reef around four of 40 LIPI research stations are in good condition.
1.4. Participatory Monitoring
The fisher folk?s group?s role is important to monitor all activities. The monitoring result must be submitted every three months. It shows the success of all activities.

II. Promoting Environment Friendly Fishery Devices
(funded by Canada Fund )
2.1. Organizing
2.2. Alternative Fishery Device Training
2.3. Alternative Fishery Device

III. Creating Business Opportunities
To minimize exploitative activities, many business opportunities must be created for opening jobs opportunity and increasing local income. The business must be based on local natural resources.
3.1. Business Management Training
Beginning to be entrepreneur may be difficult among the fishermen family. At the first time there may be obstacles in developing small business. Therefore it needs training on how to build entrepreneurship spirit and manage business. The purpose is that at least they know basic knowledge and can run administrative aspect like handling daily cash book, financial bookkeeping, cost benefit counting, etc.
3.2. Developing Fishery Cultivation and Marine Resources Based Business
Developing kerapu (grouper) and ornamental fish is a better solution to change the habits of using bomb and poisonous substance. On the other hand it has decreased population of fish and coral reefs in their natural habitat. Up to know, there is no successful fishery cultivator or farmer, owned by local people, who develop diversity of fish which are marketable and have high economic value. There will be revolving funds among groups of fishermen, each group has five members, to arrange keramba and fish hatcheries.
3.3. Wind Turbine
Kepulauan Seribu is surrounded by hot and windy climate. The wind can be managed to produce electricity energy and raising well water level, through technology of wind turbine using the technology of thread screw (kincir angin ulir). This technology was invented by Dr. MSA Sostroamijoyo from Gajah Mada University. This technology can be implemented ideally for coastal area, to produce electricity energy, clean water and ice blocks. Ice block is important to keep fresh fish. Currently fishermen have to travel for four hours from Panggang to Angke in the mainland of Jakarta to obtain ice blocks.

IV. Information Management System
Good information management and message dissemination is significant to build awareness among the target audience. Through these activities we can manage the target audience to understand benefit of the program, to support and to participate the program actively, and to change their economic welfare and livelihood.
4.1. Public Awareness and Education Program
Intensive public awareness and education program must be developed to build awareness on saving coral reef and other local natural resources to increase local economic welfare. Through planning effective communication strategies, organizing resources, information dissemination and evaluating the feedback of target audience, campaign can support the whole program to achieve the goal.
4.2. Information and Documentation Center
First, basic infrastructure and data base system will be installed. Primary and secondary data have to be collected from related institutions for analyzes and verification. Data is also collected from fishery activities of local community. Monitoring result data must be collected during the whole program, for evaluation, success measuring and other necessity. Data documentation is also important to support the campaign and advocacy program.

Project Participants and/or Beneficiaries :
? Fishery Department of North Jakarta
? Fisher folk groups of two villages (kelurahans)
? Authorities of Marine National Park of Thousand Islands
? Yayasan Terangi, Jakarta
? Yayasan Langit Lintang Samudra
? Local business
? Local government of Thousand Islands District (Kabupaten)
? Yayasan Kalpataru
The project is managed by five persons team of Kalpataru, organized by Danis Purwono, as Director, and supported by Aried Hendri, as Project Coordinator. The project will ensure women participation in project management, local decision making and field works. The local community will own project, with closely assistance of Kalpataru. The ownership will include decision making, project financing, information generating, and financial benefit of the business.
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Project Snapshot

Yayasan Kalpataru Nusa Lestari
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 35,295.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 31,250.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 2,028.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
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SGP Country office contact

Ms. Catharina Dwihastarini
(62-21) 720-6125/722-0905
(62-21) 722-0905
Ms. Hery Budiarto


JL. Bacang II No.8, Kramat Pela Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta Selatan, 12130

Country Website