Planning on Rattan Management in Lantari Village
Project Development Goal :
To conserve the ecosystem unity of Rawa Aopa Watumohai National Park(RAWNP) through increasing community participation in nature resource management.
Project Objectives :
1. To encougare community participation in overall project planning
2. To identify specific problems to be addressed by community based activity
3. To compile comprehensive strategy for conserving RAWNP through stakeholders collaboration
4. To compile full proposal based on well designed participatory project planning
Expected Outputs :
1. Increased community awareness and understanding on the importance of environmental conservation
2. Development of overall project planning with community participation
3. Development of full proposal to be submitted to GEF/SGP or other funding sources
Activities to be conducted :
A. Project preparation
B. Project implementation :
1. Pre eliminary study and analysis
2. Village meetings
3. Stakeholder meetings
4. Proposal development
C. Reporting
Project Participants and/or beneficiaries :
1. Local community in Lantari Village
2. Yayasan Suluh Indonesia
3. RAWNP (Government)
To conserve the ecosystem unity of Rawa Aopa Watumohai National Park(RAWNP) through increasing community participation in nature resource management.
Project Objectives :
1. To encougare community participation in overall project planning
2. To identify specific problems to be addressed by community based activity
3. To compile comprehensive strategy for conserving RAWNP through stakeholders collaboration
4. To compile full proposal based on well designed participatory project planning
Expected Outputs :
1. Increased community awareness and understanding on the importance of environmental conservation
2. Development of overall project planning with community participation
3. Development of full proposal to be submitted to GEF/SGP or other funding sources
Activities to be conducted :
A. Project preparation
B. Project implementation :
1. Pre eliminary study and analysis
2. Village meetings
3. Stakeholder meetings
4. Proposal development
C. Reporting
Project Participants and/or beneficiaries :
1. Local community in Lantari Village
2. Yayasan Suluh Indonesia
3. RAWNP (Government)
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Project Snapshot
Yayasan Suluh Indonesia
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 2,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 726.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
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SGP Country office contact
Ms. Catharina Dwihastarini
(62-21) 720-6125/722-0905
(62-21) 722-0905
Ms. Hery Budiarto
JL. Bacang II No.8, Kramat Pela Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta Selatan, 12130
Jakarta Selatan, 12130
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