Reconstructing Ways of Life and Planting in the Cerrado: the Experience of the Communities Impacted by a Vale do Jequitinhonha Dam
Reconstruindo os Modos de Viver e Plantar no Cerrado: a experiência dos atingidos pela Barrragem do Vale do Jequitinhonha
Reconstructing Ways of Life and Planting in the Cerrado: the Experience of the Communities Impacted by a Vale do Jequitinhonha Dam
Reconstruindo os Modos de Viver e Plantar no Cerrado: a experiência dos atingidos pela Barrragem do Vale do Jequitinhonha
Social and ecological sustainability of communities re-settled by the construction of a dam in the Jequitinhonha Valley, state of Minas Gerais, is the main objective of this project. The proposed strategy for this end aims to reconstitute the traditional livelihoods of the traditional smallholder communities, as well as conserve/maintain/recover local natural resources in the ecosystem that these communities have been moved into. The activities the project proposes include the selection of fertile land within the new territory, with superficial water for both human use and irrigation; reconstitution of environmental conservation practices; development of proper natural resource management techniques; development of feasible smallholder farming techniques, respecting both traditional knowledge and the environment; full participation by the communities involved in each and every step of the process.

Project Snapshot

Centro de Assessoria aos Movimentos Populares do Vale do Jequitinhonha
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 23,737.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 689.28
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Notable Community Participation
As previously mentioned, re-settled smallholders will participate actively in every step of this project?s execution.
Emphasis on Sustainable Livelihoods
Many re-settlement projects fail to reach social-economic feasibility. This project will attempt to avoid participation in this statistic for the communities involved, by generating income, employment, and consequent quality of life, to guarantee the possibility that smallholder farmers will continue to be smallholder farmers who can effectively conserve the biodiversity in the area rather than just have virtual legal reserves in their properties, through the rescue and recovery of their traditional knowledge of proper techniques which can make the activity sustainable.
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SGP Country office contact

Ms. Jessica Pedreira
Terena Peres de Castro


SHCGN CLR Quadra 709 Bloco E Loja 38
Brasília, Distrito Federal, 70.750-515

Country Website