Traditional Forest Management in Haverh-Khol Village (Kurdistan Province)
Project location:Havarekhol, Baneh, Kordestan(Lat/Long:35.9488100-46.0107420)
This project aims to compile and introduce the traditional forest management as a method for Sustainable Forest Management and modify it according to national and international goals and forest sustainability criteria. Hence, a kind of "participatory forestry plan " based on the local knowledge will be prepared with the involvement of the local NGO and community. Then it will be legally registered as "Modified Traditional Forest Co-Management System" with the High Council of Forest, Rangeland and Soil. To this end the team will survey and categorize the forest stands, compile the local knowledge on traditional forestry, appraise income generating avenues from the Modified Traditional Forest Co-Management System. Other activities include awareness raising, capacity building and documentation of the project process. Finally, CDs, booklets and videos on the lessons learned will be prepared to disseminate the best practices which will be shared through two workshops in Tehran and the project site.
This project aims to compile and introduce the traditional forest management as a method for Sustainable Forest Management and modify it according to national and international goals and forest sustainability criteria. Hence, a kind of "participatory forestry plan " based on the local knowledge will be prepared with the involvement of the local NGO and community. Then it will be legally registered as "Modified Traditional Forest Co-Management System" with the High Council of Forest, Rangeland and Soil. To this end the team will survey and categorize the forest stands, compile the local knowledge on traditional forestry, appraise income generating avenues from the Modified Traditional Forest Co-Management System. Other activities include awareness raising, capacity building and documentation of the project process. Finally, CDs, booklets and videos on the lessons learned will be prepared to disseminate the best practices which will be shared through two workshops in Tehran and the project site.
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Project Snapshot
Association of Young Conservationists (Daumoon)
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 25,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 22,700.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 5,000.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Photo Gallery
Project Characteristics and Results
Policy Influence
1. Changed the status of coppice activities from an illegal activity (Land reforms 1963) to a viable alternative for mid-term forestry management.
2. Modified traditional coppice based practices were legislated.
Replication of project activities
1. Increased awareness and sensitivity among villagers toward forests and their importance to local livelihoods.
2. Generated interest in alternative livelihood activities such as beekeeping.
3. Improved status of Havareh-Khol among neighboring villagers.
4. Established a small local library (first in project office then in local mosque).
5. Facilitated dialogue among local about different forestry and socio-economic issues.
6. Established a local village Development fund.
7. Changed local perception of woman?s social status.
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SGP Country office contact
Ms. Asiyeh Rezaei
(98-21) 2286 0691-4
(98-21) 2286 9547
UNDP, P.O. Box 15875-4557
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