Recycle Bank To Reverse Pollution in Tapi River
Its name bestowed by King Rama VI, the Tapi River is one of the major river in Thailand. With its life-supporting function and international significance,the River, 232 km. in length,drains in to International Water no.54-the Gulf Of Thailand/South China Sea. Throughout history the river and its ecosystem have been providing water for agriculture and fishes for consumption for communities residing in the vicinity.
Especially owing to the modern mode of consumption and the advanced production technology, the quantity of household waste is ever-increasing but environmentally-friendly disposition becomes more difficult. So far, there has been no systematic disposal of the waste in these communities.
Realizing the predominant threat, the centre together with NGOs/CBOs , academics, and community schools has initiated the project to reduce the pollution in the Tapi River through building capacity of target population and demonstrating environmentally-friendly agricultural practice and
Especially owing to the modern mode of consumption and the advanced production technology, the quantity of household waste is ever-increasing but environmentally-friendly disposition becomes more difficult. So far, there has been no systematic disposal of the waste in these communities.
Realizing the predominant threat, the centre together with NGOs/CBOs , academics, and community schools has initiated the project to reduce the pollution in the Tapi River through building capacity of target population and demonstrating environmentally-friendly agricultural practice and
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Project Snapshot
Coordinating Centre for Environmental Protection of Surathan
Area Of Work:
International Waters
Grant Amount:
US$ 9,261.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 8,668.13
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Gender Focus
No special planning on gender issue. All groups are provided with equal opportunity.
Significant Participation of Indigenous Peoples
Target population is indigenous people.
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SGP Country office contact
Ms. Thadthana Luengthada
66 2 3049100 ext 2131
66 2 2804294
UNDP, 12th Floor United Nations Building, Rajdamnern Nok Avenue
Bangkok, 10200
Bangkok, 10200
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