Preparation of a proposal on the maintenance and utilisation of the biodiversity in the Wanekreek Area by the local community of Alfonsdorp (TRI/03/05)
The community of Alfonsdorp decided to give priority to the development of a project that will contain the following three elements:
1. Conservation and the protection of the biodiversity and other valuables in the Wanekreek Area, by information and awareness activities among the inhabitants and visitors of the area among other things and surveillance on the activities in the area;
2. Permanent utilisation of the biodiversity, namely by the carrying-out of small-scale ecotouristic activities and other lasting alternative income-generating activities.
3. Assistance with the development of the management plan for the Wanekreek Area and the participation in the execution of it, in collaboration with the relevant bodies.
This project fits up with the project that is being executed at the moment in the same area, namely a SGP-planning grant of Marijkedorp. It is the intention that the two initiatives will complement each other, namely ecotouristic activities for Alfonsdorp from the East-West road to the Wanekreek Area while Marijkedorp will carry out activities from the Maroon river to the Wanekreek Area.
1. Conservation and the protection of the biodiversity and other valuables in the Wanekreek Area, by information and awareness activities among the inhabitants and visitors of the area among other things and surveillance on the activities in the area;
2. Permanent utilisation of the biodiversity, namely by the carrying-out of small-scale ecotouristic activities and other lasting alternative income-generating activities.
3. Assistance with the development of the management plan for the Wanekreek Area and the participation in the execution of it, in collaboration with the relevant bodies.
This project fits up with the project that is being executed at the moment in the same area, namely a SGP-planning grant of Marijkedorp. It is the intention that the two initiatives will complement each other, namely ecotouristic activities for Alfonsdorp from the East-West road to the Wanekreek Area while Marijkedorp will carry out activities from the Maroon river to the Wanekreek Area.
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Project Snapshot
Stichting Rosalina
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 2,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 2,000.00
Project Number:
Project Terminated Before Completion
SGP Country office contact
Mr. Eric Wijngaarde
597-420030 ext. 238
Bharti Manurat
UNDP Country - Office Paramaribo, Gonggrijpstraat 25
Paramaribo, Latin America
Paramaribo, Latin America
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