Let's secure clean banks alongside clean rivers (Involvement of the local population into activities to protect and conserve the Ili river as the main water artery of the country)
The river Ili is one of the basic water arteries of Kazakhstan. Industrial and household wastes pollution of the river, felling of the trees along the ruver coast, and other negative factors of anthropogenous impact have led to that the environmental situation in Ili-Balkhash water basin is rather a critical one, and it can lead to irreversible destruction of the environment of the region as a whole.
The project is directed on awareness raising of the local community about the problems of the river Ili pollution and changing ecological consciousness of the local population. To reach the goal a number of actions on clearing and strengthening of the coasts of the Ili rivers-inflows will be lead, Lectures with students and schoolboys and meetings with local residents will be arranged with demonstration of the films about the problem and distribution of booklets.
The project is directed on awareness raising of the local community about the problems of the river Ili pollution and changing ecological consciousness of the local population. To reach the goal a number of actions on clearing and strengthening of the coasts of the Ili rivers-inflows will be lead, Lectures with students and schoolboys and meetings with local residents will be arranged with demonstration of the films about the problem and distribution of booklets.
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Project Snapshot
The Tau Environmental Centre
Area Of Work:
International Waters
Grant Amount:
US$ 2,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 400.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 2,380.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Capacity - Building Component
A number of articles will be published in mass-media, illustrated leaflets and booklets will be produced and spread out among a wide audience. A video film will be produced and demonstrated on TV channels to attract the public's attention to the problem of international waters pollution. A few actions to clean-up of the polluted sites on the Charyn, the Big and the Small rivers will be arranged in order to improve the community understanding of river pollution causes and effects. Also a number of endemic species, like wild apples, Tien-Shan birches and fir-trees, etc. will be planted to strengthen the banks of the rivers. This will also promote the biodiversity conservation.
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SGP Country office contact
Zharas Tugulbayev
Ms. Zhazira Altybayeva
24 Mambetov street
Astana, 010000
Astana, 010000
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