Red Book of Flora and Fauna
Red Book of Flora and Fauna
This project will update and extend the existing information of Albanian endangered species of flora and fauna commonly known as ?Red Book/List of Flora and Fauna?. For the first time, this project will built and make available free of charge to the main academic institutions and selected others an electronic database containing all the existing and updated information on the topic.

Project Snapshot

Association of Albanian Biologists
Area Of Work:
Multifocal Area
Grant Amount:
US$ 20,716.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 3,750.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Capacity - Building Component
Collection of all existing data on the flora and fauna at a national, regional and global level. 2. Collection of all data on protected areas and their evaluation. 3. Collection of all existing laws and guidelines on hunting of fauna and collection of medicinal and industrial flora. 4. Creation of the database of the endangered flora and fauna .
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SGP Country office contact

Mr. Arian Gace


GEF/SGP Rr.Pjeter Bogdani,Pall.38/1,Kati 4,Ap.15
Tirana, Europe and the CIS, 1019

Country Website