Inauguration Ceremony on the Occasion of Nomination of Butrinti Wetland Complex as a Ramsar Site
Inauguration Ceremony on the Occasion of Nomination of Butrinti Wetland Complex as a Ramsar Site
This is a minigrant given on the purpose of nomination of Butrinti Lagoon as a Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar site). A ceremony will be organized with main authorities and major stakeholders where the ?Ramsar diploma? will be given to the Albanian government. GEF/SGP Albania promotional materials will be distributed during the event.
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Project Snapshot

Albanian Society for Protection of Birds and Mammals
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 1,200.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Promoting Public Awareness of Global Environment
Organization of a ceremony with major stakeholders and the main ministries for nomination of Butrinti Lagoon as a Ramsar site
Emphasis on Sustainable Livelihoods
Promotion of integral practices for protection and of the values of the lagoon.

SGP Country office contact

Mr. Arian Gace


GEF/SGP Rr.Pjeter Bogdani,Pall.38/1,Kati 4,Ap.15
Tirana, Europe and the CIS, 1019

Country Website