Promoting the use of renewable solar technologies for water heating for domestic utilities in Beit Lahia Village
Promoting the use of renewable solar technologies for water heating for domestic utilities in Beit Lahia Village
Demonstration and public awareness project to promote community action to reduce GHG emission resultant from the using of ?AL Dakhon? burning wastes such as nylon, wood and domestic waste- to heat the water. The most significant gases resulted from such burning are; Co2, Dioxin and Furan.
The project will contribute to increase the efficiency of solar water heating systems to satisfy the community needs for 73 families and encourage them to adopt alternative environment friendly systems to meet their demand of hot water all the day around while saving the environment.

Project Snapshot

Palestinian Association for Relief and Development
Palestine, State of
Area Of Work:
Climate Change Mitigation
Grant Amount:
US$ 35,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 7,252.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Capacity - Building Component
Capacity building through organizing two training programmes for 20 community leaders and local government officials to explain the repercussion of using the wastewater heating system ?Al Dakhon ? and the benefit of using environment friendly alternatives.
Promoting Public Awareness of Global Environment
Raising awareness through launching community environmental awareness campaign to raise people?s awareness to the repercussion of using Al Dakhon for water heating on their health and environment. This will be achieved through designing signs, publishing press and TV report on the project activities, and distributing posters, which mainly target housewives, change of the community attitudes towards environment. Launching lobbying campaign to provoke the awareness of the decision makers particularly in the Ministry of Energy, Environment Authority and the municipalities to activate procedures and laws related to air quality protection.
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SGP Country office contact

Ms. Nadia Zuhair Elkhodary


UNDP, 4A Ya'quibi Street, P.O. Box 51359
Jerusalem, via Israel