Water and Sanitation for Health and Environment (WASHE)
Water and Sanitation for Health and Environment (WASHE)
The project aims to reduce stress on the Indus delta water body through successful demonstration of sustainable water use and improved sanitation practices in the coastal communities of Thatta district.

Wastewater disposal has been a major major issue of Keti Bundar Town. The town is surrounded by the Arabian Sea from three sides. The natural ground level in parts of the town is below the normal sea level and during high tides the difference in level rises upto 5? high. The town is protected by a bund against the seawater constructed by the Government. Four outlets have been provided in the western side of the town for the disposal of communal wastewater and rainwater to the sea. These outlets work only during low tides when the water level in the sea is lower then the ground level of the town. No proper waste disposal system is available. The wastewater from the community houses is let flow into the streets that form seas pools in depressions and open grounds breeding mosquitoes. Cacoos is the traditional toilet used by 95% households. Its a bucket type toilet but without the bucket. The structure consists of a raised wooden platform with a hole in the middle for the release of excreta and urine. The excreta is let dumped below/under this platform and with the increasing quantity it would start spreading around the Cacoos. This human waste is never removed and it dries through natural process and gradually becomes part of the soil. One can sea the human excreta everywhere in the form of piles and dumps around the houses in Keti Bundar. Barefoot man, women and children walking in the same area and chickens and dogs browsing on these piles of human excreta is a common sight. It is only the heavy rain that would remove the excreta partially and is disposed to the sea through the outlets without any treatment. A few houses have installed pour flush latrines, which again have no disposal system. The excreta mixed wastewater from these toilets is flushed into the streets openly and finally disposed to the sea without treatment. This situation caused various environmental and health issues. Cases of water born diseases such as diarrhea, malaria, tuberculosis, cholera, Eye and skin diseases are common diseases in the area.

The project would demonstrate methodology, technologies and practices for addressing problems associated with water use, wastewater treatment disposal and sanitation problems by developing community managed wastewater disposal system (linking wastewater re-use for plantation activities), street drainage channels, demonstration of living environemnt improvement products, capacity building at community level of individuals, CBOs/NGOs, and by supporting sharing of experience through exchange visits, networking and promotional activities.
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Project Snapshot

Aga Khan Foundation
Area Of Work:
International Waters
Grant Amount:
US$ 50,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 306,070.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 21,815.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Significant Participation of Indigenous Peoples
A pilot demonstration of street surface drainage channel would be developed, and physical work undertaken to develop a street surface drainage for one street (connecting around 50-80 households) as a demo for replication in the entire village in future. This activity will succeed the formation of a community organization at Mohalla level to maintain and sustain the drainage channel from their own resources at a later stage.
Gender Focus
As users, and generally with prevailing responsibility of maintaining household and household infrastructure (in terms of minor repairs and cleaning), and sometimes with additional responsibility of maintaining housing stock and other related activities, women are the main target, and the main beneficiaries of these interventions. Women would be encouraged to assist and guide WASHE on sitting of household latrines, street surface drainage layout, wastewater disposal layout, and locations for installation of home improvement products. Women will also be involved in construction and usage of improved household products. Also formal/informal education to women on domestic health and hygience with focus on sustinable water use and indoor smoke related hazards would be imparted.
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SGP Country office contact

Mr. Chatro Khatri

Country Website