Conservation and Resuscitation of Bio-diversity in Nagar Valley
Conservation and Resuscitation of Bio-diversity in Nagar Valley
The project is to address the issues concerned to bio-divserity conservation through small scale activities and successful approaches leading to the improvement of bio-diversity and sustainable livelihood sources of the concerned communities. The approach ensures an active involvement of communities of the project area and using their indigenous skills and experiences.
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Project Snapshot

Naunehal Development Organization
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 36,068.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 10,596.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Promoting Public Awareness of Global Environment
A conservation campaign will be launched in the project area to create further awareness about the environment and conservation. This activity will involve existing Community Conservation Forums (CCFs) established by IUCN and other village/ cluster based community institutions in the project area. Moreover, workshops will be organized and low cost posters will be developed and placed in community centers (Biyaks) and other places e.g. schools, local bazaars and dispensaries etc. Separate workshops will also be organized for women to ensure their participation in conservation and environment related issues. These workshops will place more emphasis on conservation and protection of endemic economic plants, which are fastly diminishing due to over use of habitat. Each community conservation forum will include al least two female members. However, women from WOs will be invited where there is no community conservation forum. This activity would not only be helpful in ensuring the participation of women in conservation activities, but also be helpful for effective implementation of the project.
Notable Community Participation
The local Forest Department (FD) has realized that it lacks finances and other resources to conserve and promote the natural forests and wildlife and intends to involve the community in this regard. The FD has already drawn an agreement with the people of Chaprot for participatory management of natural forests and wishing to collaborate with the local NGOs for implementation of forestry and other conservation related projects in Nagar. Chaprote forest is being managed by the community for last 15 years by framing its own rules, without any support from outside and has established a model for replication in other areas. `Chaprote model will be followed to involve the FD and local communities in implementation of the project in Nagar. In other words the community-based organisations will support the FD in protection/conservation and recuperation of forests and bio-diversity in the project area. Since both the community and FD lack financial resources and an institutional mechanism to resolve disputes between them, therefore, the NDO will facilitate interaction and participation by bringing them to the negotiation table by organizing meeting, workshops and training etc, and seek legal support from the FD
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SGP Country office contact

Mr. Chatro Khatri

Country Website