Raising the level of ecological literacy and ecological conscienceness of people through the environment protection propaganda and development of the ecological tourism near to Aksu-Jabagly State National Park
Raising the level of ecological literacy and ecological conscienceness of people through the environment protection propaganda and development of the ecological tourism near to Aksu-Jabagly State National Park
The State National Park ?Aksu-Zhabagly? is the last exclave of the wild country in the mountains of South Kazakhstan Oblast. Large territory of the National Park, its forests of Central Asia juniper, high-mountain lakes and rivers, gletchers and glacier reservoirs and well-preserved flora play an important role in formation of the clear atmosphere, clean water and favorable climate of South Kazakhstan and Zhambyl Oblasts. At the same time during the last years the situation in the National Park and its protective zone has aggravated and great many ecological, economic and social problems have appeared. In accordance with the preliminary estimates about 80% of the local residents are unemployed and majority of them do not have any permanent sources of income.

Under present conditions the development of ecological tourism is the most optimal alternative of the economic activity that meets the interests of the National Park, local citizens and the local authorities and helps to
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Project Snapshot

The Zamir NGO
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 12,500.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 14,304.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 19,580.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Emphasis on Sustainable Livelihoods
Development of ecological tourism in the area near to the Nursery will allow involve a wide range of organizations (local communities, localauthorities, private companies) ito the nature protection activity. The local community will get a chance to improve its livelihood by selling national crafts to tourists, granting them services and food stuffs. The project also allows open new additional work places for local people.
Gender Focus
Men and women participated in project implementation on equal base
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Number of households who have benefited* from SGP project 6

SGP Country office contact

Zharas Tugulbayev
Ms. Zhazira Altybayeva


24 Mambetov street
Astana, 010000