Production of native fruit tree for the diversification of the plot of groun of country families in Aldea Santa Rita Sibinal, San Marcos.
Production of native fruit tree for the diversification of the plot of groun of country families in Aldea Santa Rita Sibinal, San Marcos.
To establish forestal systems under organic management using native species of fruit trees aguacate, papaya, paterna y jocote de corona (Persea american Mill, Carica papaya L., Spondias mombin and Inga Sp. 2), including soil conservation techniques and the rescue of endangered tree species, at 1 community of Sibinal, San Marcos province.
This project will establish tree nurseries at the 4 participating communities, soil conservation techniques forestal which production will be commercialized on an organized manner.
The organization have included co-financing by Pastoral de la Tierra National to provide funds to secure the system maintanance for a two year period after SGP support ends to secure project sustainability.
Training activities include both organic farming methods and commercialization capacities strengthening.

Project Snapshot

Comité Pro Agua de la Comunidad de Santa Rita Sibinal
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 12,293.66
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 153,686.49
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Notable Community Participation
194 people of the community Santa Rita Sibinal participants in this project
Gender Focus
98 of 194 partipants are women
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SGP Country office contact

Ms Gabriela Estrada


5a. Avenida 5-55 zona 14, Edificio Europlaza, Torre IV, Nivel 10
Guatemala, 01014