Rapid Enhancement of Decentralised Municipal Waste processing capacity in the state of Goa
Rapid Enhancement of Decentralised Municipal Waste processing capacity in the state of Goa
The Goa Foundation a premier environment monitoring NGO in Goa was established in 1987 by a group of environmentalists. The primary objective of the Foundation is to function as a strong pressure group that will resist projects, schemes and development plans that require irreversible destruction of the environment, will act on behalf of nature and the rights of wildlife and will not hesitate to recommend alternative solutions to pressing problems.

The project seeks to provide and initiate the implementation of long term, institutional solutions to the persistent problem of management and segregation of the solid wastes generated from commercial and residential sources in Goa. The main objective of the project is the creation of institutional capacity with statutory and institutional managers for environmentally safe handling and processing of solid waste into economically valuable products.

Project Snapshot

The Goa Foundation
Area Of Work:
Climate Change Mitigation
Climate Change Mitigation
Grant Amount:
US$ 26,473.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 82,788.08
Co-Financing in-Kind:
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Inovative Financial Mechanisms
For sustaining the project, the NGO has set up a non-profit company that will remain as a permanent source of information and expertise and expertise on solid waste management.
Policy Impact
The Goa Foundation has been closely working with the Municipal Councils and the Panchayats to build capacities and influence policy at the local government level for effective solid waste management. Ten municipal councils have undergone training under this project and two councils have adopted the model established by project.
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Local Government and Community

SGP Country office contact

Mr Manish Kumar Pandey
Ms Aradhana Goyal


The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), 6C Darbari Seth Block, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road
New Delhi, Delhi, 110003