Conservation of Rusne Island in the Nemunas Delta
Conservation of Rusne Island in the Nemunas Delta
The main project activities will take place in the western part of Lithuania, the delta of the Nemunas River, Rusne Island, ?ilute district, in the area of 56 ha of polder meadow habitats. The project assures the rise of economical level of local farmers in the village of Uostadvaris. Ecological consciousness will impact whole territory of Lithuania. The project is multifunctional. It includes these activities: active nature management, income generation, awareness rising, ecological education and applied research and monitoring. The project?s main goal is ? protection of the valuable meadows, important for rare bird species (Crex crex, Tringa totanus, Philomachus pugnax, Limosa limosa). That area is nominated as RAMSAR, International Birds Area (IBA) and potential Natura 2000 territory.
The main problem is that most of meadows are not in use for agricultural activities due to decreased demand for agricultural products. In such meadows the structure of the plants is changing, the sites are overgrowing by waste bushes and this area is loosing its value for breading of rare bird species. The project will seek to introduce the beef cattle maintenance system, which will be the first example in Lithuania of protecting meadow habitats, important for protection of rare bird?s species. It will be economically and ecologically profitable system.
The main activities of the project: purchasing of 16 ?Aubrac? or ?Hereford? species cattle, that are already used for extensive nature management purposes in some countries in Europe. 3 local farmers? families will maintain these cattle. The meadows will be mown and grazed in the plot of land leased by LGF in Rusne Island. In another area local people will have a possibility to pasture their own cattle.
The project will significantly increase the economical potential of local people. Rusne Island is chosen by the Ministry of Agriculture as one of three pilot areas for implementation of agri-environmental measures in Lithuania.
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Project Snapshot

Lithuanian Fund for Nature
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 50,508.16
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 39,438.48
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 20,324.61
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Capacity - Building Component
A catle that will be used for the grazing of meadows will be purcased from the project. Innovative is a scheme that will sustain and multiply project results: offspring of cattle will be distributed among of the farmers in the island that are willing to use it for the grazing of meadows and have possibilities for taking care of the cattle.
Notable Community Participation
Local farmers will be actively involved into protection of natural meadows.
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SGP Country office contact

Mrs. Inga Ringailaite
+370 5 2107415
+370 5 2124471


Lukiskiu st. 5-318
Vilnius, LT-011008

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