Olkinyei Spring Protection
Olkinyei Spring Protection
Water is hard to find in Ol Kinyei Location of Narok District. Families have to move in search of water during the dry season, remove children from schools, and men migrate to far away places with animals in search of water. There are no rivers or boreholes. Natural springs are the only dependable sources of water. However, the springs are uncovered, and get contaminated by human and animal traffic. This project would help in protecting and de-capping 7 natural springs in the area.
1. Undertake baseline data collection
2. Cap, protect and rehabilitate 7 springs
3. Plant indigenous trees and grass around the springs
4. Fence off the springs to prevent contamination by animals and humans
5. Provide troughs for domestic animals
6. Provide water holes for wildlife
7. Train the community and create a system for water spring maintenance
8. Community capacity building on sanitation and hygiene

Project Snapshot

World Concern International
Area Of Work:
Multifocal Area
Grant Amount:
US$ 20,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 14,657.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 4,246.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Emphasis on Sustainable Livelihoods
A well trained management committee will be put in place to maintain the project. The project will have involved officials from the Ministry of Water personnel who will follow up the community continuously.
Gender Focus
Both men and women will benefit from the project, the threat of water born diseases, especially harmful for children, will be reduced. The springs serve at least 1000 community members, men and women.
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SGP Country office contact

Ms. Nancy Chege
(254-20) 7624473
(254-20) 621076
Ms. Eunice Mwaura


UNDP, P.O. Box 30218
Nairobi, 00100