Contributing to conserve and develop genetic resources of citrus species of Ha Tinh Province
Contributing to conserve and develop genetic resources of citrus species of Ha Tinh Province
Investigation results in recent years have shown that Vietnam?s abundant and diverse flora provides a variety of plants from which colorants for foodstuff industry can be extracted. More than 200 plants species provide colorants, among which 57 species of 28 families have already been used and widely distributed in the country. Dye plants in Vietnam are diverse in terms of not only tree species composition but also chemical composition within each species as well.
By using such dye plants, indigenous people have accumulated knowledge of and experience in using dye plants for common needs in general and for foodstuff coloring in particular. Many species that are not hazard to human health and have attractive colors have been selected for foodstuff coloring.
However, an emerged problem that should be urgently addressed is the loss of many dye plants accompanied with the deterioration in knowledge of using those plants.
Existing investigations of dye plants and research on their chemistry and extraction technology have not been adequate and fully developed to provide a firm scientific foundation for the exploitation of this resource to produce pigments for foodstuff, cosmetic and drug industries. The awareness and knowledge of biodiversity conservation of local authorities and communities at all levels are very limited. The loss of these plants is related to the rule of erosion of traditional knowledge in social-economic development.
The objective of the project is to build a demonstration model of community participation in conserving and developing genetic sources of dye plants, contributing to biodiversity conservation. The project's strategy is to link conservation activities with community livelihoods by exploiting economic value of those plants through pigment production to meet industries? demands.
Major activities of the project will include:
? Organize communication activities so as to raise the awareness and knowledge of biodiversity conservation in general and color-vegetal resources in particular of the local authorities and communes.
? Set up a community model to specialize in cultivating 3 dye plants, including Mat Mong Hoa, Cam and Cham Meo, for pigment production in order to preserve and develop genetic sources of those species and create a source of income for local people.
? Testing a small-scale pigment production from the 3 dye plants.
? Create domestic market for pigments produced by the project
? Collect and document traditional experience and indigenous knowledge of indigenous people in using dye plants.
? Document and disseminate the project's lessons learned, compile technical documents for the cultivation of dye plants and pigment production.
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Project Snapshot

the Agriculture Science Technology Association of Ha Tinh Province
Viet nam
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 49,041.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 4,722.65
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 11,969.10
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Capacity - Building Component
1. In the phase before project adjustment o In first quarter of 2005, organize 03 training courses with total of 185 people on nursery building, care for grafted roots, grafting, care for trees after grafting or technique on planting, caring for orange, mandarine and pomelo in Son Quang commune of Huong Son district, in Ky Lam commune of Ky Anh district and Ngoc Son commune of Thach Ha district o In the fourth quarter of 2005, organize 03 training courses with total of 150 people on technique of planting, caring for orange, mandarine and pomelo in Son Quang commune of Huong Son district, in Ky Lam commune of Ky Anh district and Ngoc Son commune of Thach Ha district o In the fourthe quarter of 2005, organize 01 four ? day ? training course with total of 15 people on nersury technique for households and technical staff in local area at the fruit seedlings nursery in Ha Tinh. 2. In the phase after project adjustment o In the first quarter of 2007, organized 03 technical training courses in Son Quang commune and Ky Lam commune with total of 150 people. o In third quarter of 2007, organize 04 technical training courses on selecting varieties; planting, care, pest control for orange, mandarin and pomelo with total of 146 people o In the third quarter of 2007, organize a study tour to learn and sharing experience of citrus/ organge fruit production in Van Giang o In the third quarter of 2007, organize two scientific seminars on the status and solutions for development of Huong son pomelo and mandarin.
Emphasis on Sustainable Livelihoods
? Ha Tinh province was agriculture rice monoculture farming. Ha Tinh had many specialty fruit trees, especially the citrus fruit variants with diverse genetic resources. ? Ha Tinh had 7,344 ha of citrus fruit variants with the total area of citrus orchards of 4,786ha. The province also had 10,148ha area that was potential for developing all kinds of citrus fruit.

SGP Country office contact

Ms. Huyen Thu Thi NGUYEN
(84 24) 38500150
(84-24) 37265520
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Hanoi, 100000

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