Let's conserve the ornithological fauna of the Alakol lake (Creation conditions for preservation of the habitat and sustainable reproduction of the Alakol Lake avifauna, the relict seagull in particular, through active partnership between the governmental authorities, academic institutions and public associations)
Let's conserve the ornithological fauna of the Alakol lake (Creation conditions for preservation of the habitat and sustainable reproduction of the Alakol Lake avifauna, the relict seagull in particular, through active partnership between the governmental authorities, academic institutions and public associations)
The ecosystem of Alakol Lake is located in the unique natural and climatic conditions, which together with the favorable geographical location determines the attractiveness of this territory for a huge number of the globally valuable avifauna species. One of the main migration paths of the birds in the South-East of Kazakhstan crosses this territory. There are 314 bird species at the lakes, including 286 nesting species. The numbers of the birds migrating in spring and autumn amount to several million. There have been observed 34 bird species that have entered the Red Data Book, such as rose-colored and Dalmatian pelican, diving duck (Aythya nyroca), white-tailed eagle, great black-headed gulls, etc.

The relict seagull (Larus relictus llonnberg) ? a species that is under the threat of complete loss and has entered both Kazakhstan Red Data Book and Red Data Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature Resources - takes a special place among them. Up to date only two places of permanent nesting of this unique species have been known ? Buran-Tore Lake in Zabaikalie (though for the last few years not a single case of the relict seagull nesting on the territory of Russia has been confirmed) and Alakol Lake in Kazakhstan. At the end of 1980th the colony of the relict seagulls on Alakol Lake amounted to 1200 pairs that constituted the major part of the world population of this species, however, for the last years, due to the integrated effect of a number of adverse factors, among which one should note specifically a strong anthropogenous pressing, the population has declined to 40 pairs (according to the estimate made in 2000). The main limiting factors affecting the safe existence of this species are as follows: unfavorable climatic conditions during the breeding period, loss of colonies because of the flooding, troubles caused by people during the nesting and hatch.

The project is aimed at carrying out the large-scale action in order to inform both the local residents (from the villages of Alakol, Uyaly, Kamyskala, Sagat, Koktum, etc.) and the general public throughout Kazakhstan about the existing situation; moreover, it is planned to create conditions for preservation of the available population of the Alakol Lake avifauna and the relict seagull in particular. The work will be based on the partnership cooperation of the local governmental administrative authorities (Akimats), bodies of the environment protection control, academic institutions and general public with a view of joint participation in addressing the problem of preservation of the rare species of the regional avifauna. In the course of the Project the work concerning creation of the system of protection of the relict seagull habitats on the islands of the Alakol Lake as the genofond of the population in-situ, will be carried out to demonstrate possible methods of its preservation. At the same time the information campaign and ecological education of the people will be conducted.

1.Improve the governmental and public protection of the habitat and breeding sites of the relict seagull and other jointly living rare species of the Alakol Lake avifauna.
2.Improve the ecological awareness and draw attention of the local bodies of power, environment protection authorities, business structures and residents of Alakolsky district and the general public across Kazakhstan to the problem of preservation of the regional avifauna.
3.Optimize and regulate the economic activity in the relict seagull habitat and nesting sites as well as other rare species of the Alakol Lake avifauna.

Expected outcomes:
1.Creation of conditions for preservation of the population of the relict seagull and other rare species of the avifauna of the Alakol Lake ecosystem.
2.Widespread involvement of the interested parties in the actions aimed at the relict seagull preservation.
3.Understanding by residents of the surrounding villages of importance and necessity to preserve the relict seagull and other rare species of the avifauna.
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Project Snapshot

NGO ?Korykty Alakol?
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 10,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 5,000.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 9,015.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Linkages gef projects
Activities started within SGP project were continued within full scale wetlands conservation project NGO leader became the member of local steering committee of GEF UNDP full scale project
Emphasis on Sustainable Livelihoods
Fishery, hunting, and tourism business are the basic sources of the income for the local community of the region. In this connection, preservation of fauna and development of tourism has a great value for inhabitants. The project assumes acceptance of the legal document that will be directed on regulation and optimization of economic activities in places of dwelling of the relict seagull and other disappearing species, and simultaneously it will regulate tourism in the area. This will guarantee social and economic preconditions of the project stability, as the population will get income from fishery and tourism. As a whole, the project will allow to decrease poverty, create additional workplaces and increase employment, and it will develop a social sphere of service.
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Number of globally significant species protected by project 12
Hectares of globally significant biodiversity area protected or sustainably managed by project 75000
Number of local policies informed in biodiversity focal area 1
Number of CBOs / NGOs formed or registered through the SGP project 1

SGP Country office contact

Zharas Tugulbayev
Ms. Zhazira Altybayeva


24 Mambetov street
Astana, 010000