Rehabilitation of Lake Jipe Ecosystem: Construction of Check Dams/Household Waterpans
Situated on the Kenya Tanzania boundary in Taita Taveta district, the 30 sq km Lake Jipe is dying. The lake has lost about 50 % of its water mass within the last 10 years, due to siltation caused by destruction of the water catchment are and farmlands, proliferation of the typha weed, and diversion of fresh water recharge from river Lumi. The lake has increasing salinity, decreasing depth and biodiversity. Hippos and crocodiles have migrated upstream due to salinity. The lake is of global importance and the only place in the world where the fish Oreochromis jipe is found, and which is on the verge of extinction. In a joint effort to salvage the situation, the UNDP GEFSGP and the Biodiversity Conservation Programme (BCP) of the European Union have committed US$416,000 (US$250,000 from the GEFSGP and US$166,000 from the BCP) for the rehabilitation of the lake. The two funds and other partners are working together thorough the local communities for: 1. Site wide baseline data collection and an EIA will preceed implementation of rehabilitation projects. 2. De-siltation and restoration of the original course of river Lumi. 3. Removal of illegal water abstraction canals. 4. Rehabilitation of an existing water project to provide drinking water to the community. 5. Introducing agro-forestry. 6. Fish farming - raising endemic and other fish species in ponds. 7. Capacity building for sustainable fishing including right size of nets. 8. Protection of Njoro Springs 9. Bringing the communities from both sides of the boundary to hold consultations to reduce conflict.
The aim of this part of the project is to reduce siltation threatening the lake by constructing check dams and to increase the livelihood of the local community by building household water pans serving as water source for kitchen gardens.
The aim of this part of the project is to reduce siltation threatening the lake by constructing check dams and to increase the livelihood of the local community by building household water pans serving as water source for kitchen gardens.
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Project Snapshot
Jipe Lake Youth Group
Area Of Work:
International Waters
Grant Amount:
US$ 31,844.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 340.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Capacity - Building Component
Community members will learn how to use run off water in a sustainable way and about the importance of protecting the lake from further siltation.
Emphasis on Sustainable Livelihoods
Community members will use the household water pans for irrigating kitchen gardens. The products will be sold on markets.
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SGP Country office contact
Ms. Nancy Chege
(254-20) 7624473
(254-20) 621076
Ms. Eunice Mwaura
UNDP, P.O. Box 30218
Nairobi, 00100
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