Development of a Solar Village in Content, Saint David's, Grenanda
Development of a Solar Village in Content, Saint David's, Grenanda
The village of Content is one of forty ? four (44) villages in the parish of St. David?s. It is considered a very poor community and was included in the eleven communities surveyed under the Government of Grenada poverty assessment profile in 1999. The community has a population of approximately 175 persons of which 95 are males and 80 females. (1991census).

The planning grant will help to develop a proposal through research and community consultations. The goal is to develop a project which will establish a demonstration site for the use of solar energy in this remote and marginalised village in Grenada. During project implementation such issues as reduction in fossil fuels, capacity building, national policy, and sustainable livelihood will be addressed.

The project objectives are as follows:

i. To promote accessible, sustainable, environmentally-friendly (renewable energy) technologies in the community and to the households. The technology will generate energy/power from the sun is easy to maintain and install. It is anticipated that the individuals within the households chosen will find no difficulty in accepting and promoting this new technology.

ii. To reduce and eliminate the cost of electricity bills to six poor households participating in the project. Personnel from Caribbean Sun Energy will install the equipment and provide the initial training and supervision of the project. They have already provided support in the form of quantifying the equipment and materials required for the individuals? household who were chosen to participate in the project.

iii. To build the capacity and awareness of the members of the households and the community about the benefits of renewable energy, energy efficiency, climate change and its effect on the country and the universe. This aspect of the project will be undertaken by Conservation Grenada in collaboration with Mr. John Ogiste from the Ministry of Agriculture, Energy, and Public Utilities and other personnel from the Ministry of Social Development.

iv. To encourage the adults within the six households chosen, to develop projects that will provide a sustainable income for themselves and their family. This will be done through training of individuals and the purchase of tools and equipment where necessary.
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Project Snapshot

Conservation Grenada Inc.
Area Of Work:
Climate Change Mitigation
Grant Amount:
US$ 2,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 556.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Capacity - Building Component
Extensive capacity building to train community members in the efficient maintenance of systems is imperative to the ongoing success of the initiative.
Gender Focus
It is anticipated that men and women will both benefit from the project.
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SGP Country office contact

Mr. David Bynoe


UN House, Marine Gardens, Hastings
, Christ Church

Country Website