Environment protection at El Paraíso community, Suchitepequez
Environment protection at El Paraíso community, Suchitepequez
This project was developed with community participation and involvement since the design phase. This community had asked TPS, the project responsible NGO, to advise them in ways to improve their already degraded lands. After a diagnostic phase the priority needs for the whole community were established and they decide to begin with appropriate technology solutions to their problems. They begin with training for the people adaptations that these new technologies need and after that they request for SGP help on this issue. Objectives of the project are: to proved access to appropriate technology solutions for environmentally related health problems, to improve local environment through community direct actions that reduce pollution of water sources and rivers, to provide access to organic fertilizers to improve local soils, and to give continuity to previous training through practical applied teaching of the technologies, particularly construction and use of energy efficient stoves and dry latrines
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Project Snapshot

Asociación Tecnología para la Salud
Area Of Work:
Climate Change Mitigation
Grant Amount:
US$ 14,852.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 2,475.25
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 15,392.74
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Gender Focus
50% of the participants were women, all were trained and applied their learned knowledge and practices.
Notable Community Participation
Outstanding. Demontrates and develop capacities to establish energy efficient improved stoves and organic crops production, including the dimishing of ground water pollution through composting latrines use, with participation of 60 families.
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SGP Country office contact

Ms Gabriela Estrada


5a. Avenida 5-55 zona 14, Edificio Europlaza, Torre IV, Nivel 10
Guatemala, 01014