Optimizing Eco-Development through Energy Conservation in Abbottabad District
According to preliminary surveys conducted by Sungi, much of the population in the Abbottabad uses devices with low energy efficiency. This adds to high use of energy yet comparatively less utility of these devices for meeting the intended purpose. The waste energy indeed adds to environmental pollution at local level and greenhouse gas emission affected climate at a global scale. The project thus intends to introduce energy efficient devices in the target communities using a social marketing approach.
Specifically, the project will target three areas of improving energy efficiency: (a) Reduction of electricity consumption by introducing low consumption White Light Emitting Diode based lamps. Long life of such lamps will reduce the need for waste management otherwise required to handle fuse bulbs. (b) Reduction in the use of natural gas, liquefied Petroleum Gas, and fuel wood by introducing solar water heaters either as stand alone units or in conjunction with gas fired geysers; and (
Specifically, the project will target three areas of improving energy efficiency: (a) Reduction of electricity consumption by introducing low consumption White Light Emitting Diode based lamps. Long life of such lamps will reduce the need for waste management otherwise required to handle fuse bulbs. (b) Reduction in the use of natural gas, liquefied Petroleum Gas, and fuel wood by introducing solar water heaters either as stand alone units or in conjunction with gas fired geysers; and (
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Project Snapshot
Sungi Development Foundation
Area Of Work:
Climate Change Mitigation
Grant Amount:
US$ 49,993.67
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 36,746.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 13,524.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Capacity - Building Component
A two day White Light emitting Diode (WLED) based lamp fabrication training will be imparting by leading national experts. Twenty young females from the community will be trained. In parallel to this, one week solar water heater fabrication training will be organized for local plumbing and tin-box fabricating professionas. Ten young professionals will be trained from this one week training workshop. Training will be imparted by technical experts from PCRET, BACIP and other relevant professionals.
Emphasis on Sustainable Livelihoods
Business community in abbottabad District will be the leading stakeholers in all aspects of manufacturing, market, and maintenance activities in addition to being the customers for the energy efficent devices.
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