Zhomba project - Reversing land degradation in Zhomba through Integrated Catchment Management Programme
Zhomba project - Reversing land degradation in Zhomba through Integrated Catchment Management Programme
The project seeks to reverse land degradation with focus on reclaiming Zhomba gulley. The gulley is located in Chief Nenyunga area of Gokwe North in Midlands province. The land degradation is as a result of unplanned settlements in the catchment, inherent poor soil structure, deforestation and uncontrolled animal movements.

The overall goal is to reverse land degradation through integrated catchment protection in an effort to restore soil fertility, improve biodiversity and ultimately the livelihoods of the community. The specific objectives include:
1) To reduce land degradation in Zhomba catchment area by 75% by year 2007
2) To reduce siltation of downstream surface water sources, for example the nearby Sengwa area
3) To establish soil conservation strategies and structures to reduce soil loss and the resultant drop in crop yields
4) To engage in water harvesting techniques to reduce the erosive power of water
5) To improve biodiversity through planting of multi-purpose trees in the protected gully area at the homesteads
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Project Snapshot

Area Of Work:
Land Degradation
Grant Amount:
US$ 50,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 97,200.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 38,834.40
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Notable Community Participation
Community participated from the onset since they initiated this project out of the realization that the area had become heavily degraded posing serous threats to the environment, human life, livestock and existing development infrastructure. The communities are going to play an active role in implemnting the project through construction of 9 check dams, water and soil conservation techniques .
Inovative Financial Mechanisms
Given the magnitude of work to be done and the resources required, the community has established partnerships with other institutions that include Heifer International Zimbabwe that is going to contribute US$75000 and Rio Tinto which is a company in the private sector and this company is going to contribute US$46 000 towards rehabilitation of the gulley.
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Rio-Tinto (Private sector

SGP Country office contact

Ms. Tsitsi Wutawunashe
(263) 700946
Luckson Chapungu


P.O. Box 4775
Harare, AFRICAN REGION, 264-4-