Improvement of Livelihood and Environmental Awareness Campaigns in Al Wasiyeh and Ader Areas
Improvement of Livelihood and Environmental Awareness Campaigns in Al Wasiyeh and Ader Areas
The project is part of a 3-project cluster that will be implemented by community organizations in 3 neighboring villages in Karak governorates, south of the Kingdom. The projects aims at assisting local communities in the concerned areas to adapt to impacts of climate change including draught and subsequent land degradation, through improving community management of natural resources including water and soil in a way that contributes to sustaining those resources and improves the living conditions of those local communities. Activities to be supported by the projects include water harvesting through establishment of water storage reservoirs and rain-collection cisterns in addition to soil conservation measures and income generating activities such as bee-keeping, home gardens and medicinal plants.
The projects include an element of awareness raising for the farmers and local community members in the field of environmental issues affecting their areas and projects. They will also include an element of capacity building of implementing cooperatives, which will enable them to provide support to their local communities. The above cooperatives will use a revolving loan system in supporting their various activities so they can continue providing support to more projects that serve their local communities.
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Project Snapshot

Al Wasiyeh Cooperatrive
Area Of Work:
Land Degradation
Grant Amount:
US$ 31,300.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 17,000.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 4,257.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Capacity - Building Component
A special capacity building component will be implemented through the project, involving training of CBO and community members on the various project activities, environmental issues and project administrative and financial management issues.
Notable Community Participation
Community members participated in the planning sessions held to develop the project with participation of the SGP team and the technical assistant team. Community members, will be the direct beneficiaries of project activities, whether in their farms or their homes.
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SGP Country office contact

Mr. Anas Abdel Raouf Khasawneh
00962/6/5100420 Ext: 246
Ms. Salsabeel Shishani


UNDP Jordan/ shmeisani, Ishaq Al Edwan street/ P.O.Box 941631
Amman, Arab States, 11183