A press conference will be organized at the Environmental Center at Ic Ponor, in the core area of the Apuseni Mountains Natural Park. The main themes of the press conference will be the use of solar and wind energy and their impact on climate change, the importance of nature protection and the role of Protected Areas for the global environment. Printed materials will be produced and distributed for local communities, schools, authorities, press and NGOs.
Members of the community have participated at the elaboration of the project and will contribute in the process of evaluation. Local children will participate at a Junior Ranger Camp and adults will be trained in organizing agro and eco tourism activities and on the use of solar, wind and water energy for their communities.
Notable Community Participation
The Mayoralty and Local Council of Margau are partners in the project. They support the activities proposed by the project such as: Junior Ranger Camp, the presentation of the clean energy use for small communities and eco and agro tourism for the Margau area.
Planning non gef grant
The environmental center, created within this project, will mainly be used in educational activities for children and as a training center in different environmental domains. To achieve these goals, non GEF grants will be applied for in the next years.
Project sustainability
The main element ensuring the durability of the project is the creation of the Ic Ponor Enviromental Center and its electrical supply through renewable energy system. The center, through the maintenance and extension of the partnership initiated within this project, will determine the continuation and deversification of the activities, as well as the financial self-sustainment in what concerns the costs regarding the exploitation and maintenance of the center.
The partnerships signed with the Apuseni Natural Park management team, the Ic Ponor ? Padis Vacation Village and the Margau Mayor?s office are an essential element and a strong proof of the project?s durability.
Another aspect refers to the exceptional natural setting in which the environmental center is situated. The location favors the organization of educational ? especially for children, and formative activities.
The project?s durability is also ensured by the increasing need for training, alternative education and active vacation requests, following an ascending trend at a national level.
Replication of project activities
The project can be replicated in other areas with similar potential, with the condition that partnerships be signed in order to ensure sustainability.
Policy Impact
The project could impact on local tourism policies as well as in organizing summer eco camps for children from the community or from abroad. It also proposes the designation of a Natura 2000 site, for which it supports the site evaluation and the elaboration of the necessary botanical study.
Policy Influence
The project has no influence over Governmental policies, but its sustainability in the fields of education and formation have the potential of producing such effects.
Emphasis on Sustainable Livelihoods
The project proposes the creation of an Environmental Center in Ic Ponor that will use solar and wind energy and will promote the use of clean energy, agro and eco tourism and sustainable use of the natural heritage of the area.
Planning gef grant
The two partner organisation CPA (Clubul Piatra Altarului) and ARR (Asociatia Rangerilor din Romania - Romanian Ranger Association), together with the Apuseni Natural Park Administration plan to continue this project?s activities. It is therefore probable that CPA will apply for a medium sized GEF grant for an extended list of connected activities.
Capacity - Building Component
Two sessions of training for 20 rangers of national parks and other protected areas will be organized. A presentation of the use of clean energy and a case study for agro and eco tourism activities in the area of Margau for 20 locals will be made at the Ic Ponor Environmental Center. The project also proposes presentations about clean energy use in 3 schools from the Apuseni Mountains area and a contest on this topic between groups of children.
Project Results
Other Project Results
The Ic Ponor Environmental Center was created and powered with renewable solar and wind energy. Through the activity of the center?s volunteers, the main objectives of the Somesul Cald springs area are better surveyed, and the tourist activities benefit of qualified guiding. At the same time, a strong collaboration among the partner organizations and the Ic Ponor ? Padis Vacation Village has been established.
The Molhasul de la Izbuc area benefitted from a valuable scientific study. It is now included on the proposal list of the Natura 2000 network. The Apuseni Mountains Natural Park management plans now include optimal protection and conservation measures in what concerns the Molhasul de la Izbuc site.
Two training sessions have been organized, for personnel working in the field of protected areas management. They led to an increased capability of the environmental NGOs, Apuseni Natural Park and Buila Vanturarita teams to manage these protected areas.
Actions for promoting the sustainable use of the natural heritage in local communities have also been organized. Through these, the children from the local communities from the area of the project , now know the environmental value and the main characteristics of the Somesul Cald springs area, and are concerned about its protection. The Apuseni Natural Park management team wishes to continue the Junior Ranger camps in collaboration with CPA and ARR. Also, part of the local community members from the project?s activity area, were made aware of the advantages of using renewable energies and of the possibility of getting involved in agro- and eco-tourism activites.
Children from three schools in the Apuseni Mountains (Rachitele, Margau and Garda) are better educated about need to protect nature and use renewable energies. Also, highschool students participated in awareness activities related to environmental problems and the use of renewable energy.
All activities within this project have found a good highlight and presentation in the media. All relevant information regarding the project and the Ic Ponor Environmental Center are included in the booklet and the flyer created and distributed to all people with an interest in this domain.