Participatory Planning to Support Advocacy to Utilize Alternative Fuel in Earth-based Production in Gowa and Takalar, South Sulawesi
Project development Goal:
To facilitate the communities to seek/use alternative fuel in such a way that does not degrade forests
Project Objectives: raise the communities' awareness about the consequences of forest degradation and the importance of rehabilitating and preserving forests and land collect and compile data and information used to develop ecologically-friendly brick making facilitate the process to look for alternative way of sustainable brick making with emphasis on forest and land conservation produce a complete proposal and follow-up plan.
Expected Output:
1.Planning workshop on ecologically-friendly brick making and forest conservation
2.Assessment report in the form of the environmental profiles of the target districts
3.Proceedings of district workshops
4.Complete proposal and follow-up plan for community empowerment through revolving fund
Activities to be conducted:
A.Stake holders meeting
B.Proposal formulation,
C.Reporting and final draft of proposal in printing format.
To facilitate the communities to seek/use alternative fuel in such a way that does not degrade forests
Project Objectives: raise the communities' awareness about the consequences of forest degradation and the importance of rehabilitating and preserving forests and land collect and compile data and information used to develop ecologically-friendly brick making facilitate the process to look for alternative way of sustainable brick making with emphasis on forest and land conservation produce a complete proposal and follow-up plan.
Expected Output:
1.Planning workshop on ecologically-friendly brick making and forest conservation
2.Assessment report in the form of the environmental profiles of the target districts
3.Proceedings of district workshops
4.Complete proposal and follow-up plan for community empowerment through revolving fund
Activities to be conducted:
A.Stake holders meeting
B.Proposal formulation,
C.Reporting and final draft of proposal in printing format.
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Project Snapshot
Lembaga Advokasi dan Pengkajian Pembangunan Desa dan Pariwisata
Area Of Work:
Climate Change Mitigation
Grant Amount:
US$ 2,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 651.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
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Ms. Catharina Dwihastarini
(62-21) 720-6125/722-0905
(62-21) 722-0905
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JL. Bacang II No.8, Kramat Pela Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta Selatan, 12130
Jakarta Selatan, 12130
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