Lighting up the Remotest Villages of Patala, Tsirang to be implemented by the Samdrup Tshogpa (ST) to focus on the provision of solar lanterns with a minimal cost sharing and in return the communities to carryout the plantations in the degraded areas. The communities would also strive towards protecting their water source for increased volume of water supply for the Patala Community.
Lighting up the Remotest Villages of Patala, Tsirang to be implemented by the Samdrup Tshogpa (ST) to focus on the provision of solar lanterns with a minimal cost sharing and in return the communities to carryout the plantations in the degraded areas. The communities would also strive towards protecting their water source for increased volume of water supply for the Patala Community.
Patala is a remotest Geogs under Tsirang Dzongkhag with 260 households and it has a difficult terrain and has an area of 137 square kilometers with elevation ranging from 400 metres to 2000 metres above mean sea level.

The people are too dependent on the forest and the natural vegetation for their livelihood for eg. firewood, fodder, lightings during the night. There is high cases of forest fires caused mainly by night travellers using the fire-ball torches (indigenous).

The main objective of the project is to conserve the local natural resources by using solar energy on one hand and taking up the plantation on the other.

Nursery Creation and Maintenance:
The objective of nursery creation were to produce seedlings for plantation in the areas identified for plantation;
To produce quality seedlings (since seedlings of quality trees are not available with Patala area).

Five-day long training was conducted by resource person from National Resource Training Institute (NRTI) on nursery management from 13-17/3/2006. A total of 35 participants received the training.

The participants learnt the following:
1. how to lay nursery beds;
2. how to collect seeds;
3. how to sow seeds;
4. how to prick seeds into polythene bags;
5. how to water the seedlings (intensity and time)

The nursery is spread over 20 decimal area which were created by the Patala Community on their own after the training. 2500 seedlings of local species (nakapani) and tsenden (pine) were produced.

Plantation at Goruzuray was carried out by people from Teory Chiwog. More that 950 seedlings (nakapani seedlings from nursery and some wildings were planted over 1 acre of land.

Plantation at Lhakhang area:
More than 1200 seedlings have been planted around the Patala Lhakhang where before the plantation, there were patches of empty and degraded areas. People from Sergithang and Mazagoan carried out the plantation work.

Water Source Protection:
The Sergithang group also planted seedlings around two water sources. One water source supplies water to Lhakhang and the other to the Patala Primary School. The two water source have been fenced to protect the area.

As per the project workplan, three forest fire prevention message boards have been constructed at three places - Burichhu Dovan; Kuluing Chowtare; and Goruzoray. But the technical forest officials found it too small and have advised to re-design the boards.

Project Monitoring Visit on 10-14 Dec 07 given in the Project Results
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Project Snapshot

Samdrup Tshogpa
Area Of Work:
Climate Change Mitigation
Grant Amount:
US$ 31,030.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 1,820.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 9,771.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Policy Influence
Alternative to renewable energy and rural electrification to poor households.
Significant Participation of Indigenous Peoples
Both local and indigenous people would participate significantly in the project implementation.
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Community Contribution

SGP Country office contact

Ugyen Lhendup


UN House, Peling Lam (Street), Kawajangsa, Thimphu, P.O. Box No. 162
Thimphu, Bhutan, 11001