Thematic workshops in GEF/SGP focal areas
The results of the GEF/SGP independent evaluation conducted in 2003 show that to deal with the limited capability and experience of the NGOs/CBOs in project management, GEF/SGP has paid special attention and given priorities to building the capacity for GEF/SGP partners and key stakeholders in project development and management over the past years. This task has been performed through the following modalities:- Holding workshops on project development and management with the participation of the project proponents and management teams. The workshops have significantly contributed to enhancing project development and management capability of the GEF/SGP proponents/grantees.- Formulating and implementing the manual on GEF/SGP project development and management. The Manual provides a clear-cut and adequate guidance and instructions to all GEF/SGP partners and key stakeholders to develop and implement their projects. The Manual has been regularly revised following the partners? and key stakeholders? comments and recommendations as well as lessons learned in GEF/SGP project development and implementation. The limited capability and the lack of experience of GEF/SGP partners, has proved to be the greatest challenge in ensuring effective programme/project implementation, which has affected the quality of programme/project implementation. In order to effectively implement GEF/SGP in Viet Nam, capacity building for GEF/SGP key stakeholders in project development and management should continue to be given high priority. The project VN/04/015 aims to improve the effectiveness of GEF/SGP programme/project implementation through building and improving capacity of the GEF/SGP key stakeholders in project management and implementation. The project will organise a series of four (4) thematic training workshops of biodiversity conservation, climate change, land degradation and desertification, and international waters (focusing on Persistant Organics Pollutants (POPs). The key objective of these workshops is to conduct technical assessment of GEF/SGP projects in each GEF focal areas and distill and document lessons learned. Based on the assessment and lessons learned, the workshops would help to identify GEF/SGP strategic focus in terms of thematic and geographic areas in each GEF focal area for the coming years. The workshops will enhance knowledge and understanding among the GEF/SGP key stakeholders on GEF/SGP and environmental issues of GEF concerns. They will provide the forum for exchanging information, ideas and experience in project management and implementation among the GEF/SGP key stakeholders.
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Project Snapshot
The Institute for Asia Pacific Science Technology Research
Viet nam
Area Of Work:
Multifocal Area
Grant Amount:
US$ 50,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 2,800.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 10,000.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Capacity - Building Component
- Themes of conference fieldtrips to GEF / SGP projects:
? 4 conference fieldtrips (4 days/ each, 60 participants/ each) were held. Project management capacity in general and environmental project management capacity in particular as well as knowledge of environmental issues in the main fields of the GEF/ SGP of the aid recipients have been improved. (evaluated through the effectiveness of implementing the project activities and the evaluation of project results)
- Participants:
? Members of the Executive Board of the implementing GEF / SGP Projects and Representatives of the Communities involved in the projects.
? Representatives of technical consultant organizations/groups of the projects.
? Representatives of the organization to support the GEF / SGP in the monitoring, supervision and evaluation of the project.
? Representatives of the finished GEF/ SGP projects (successful projects with good lessons)
- Contents:
Each conference fieldtrip consists of 3-day conference and 1-day fieldtrip. The main contents include:
? Conference held at the conference room to summarize and evaluate the projects as well as to share experiences in implementing the projects in the focal areas of GEF / SGP and the management of GEF / SGP. Most of the time will be spent for conference and discussion at the conference room. Consultants and instructors guide discussions. The specific contents and methods are as follows:
o Reports of the projects: summarizing the projects? contents (the problems solved, the strategies / techniques l applied), the results achieved and lessons learned.
o Discussion: comments, sharing among projects.
o Analysis and summary of the consultants.
o Visiting the project GEF / SGP being implemented at the region, the local projects with objectives pertinent to the conference?s topic and local landscapes.
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SGP Country office contact
Ms. Huyen Thu Thi NGUYEN
(84 24) 38500150
(84-24) 37265520
Ms. Ngoc Bich Kieu
One Green UN house, 304 Kim Ma district
Hanoi, 100000
Hanoi, 100000
Country Website
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